
Protecting the Youth from Extremism


Protecting the Youth from Extremism

In the first lecture of its kind organized by the TRENDS Youth Council for Research short for (TYCR) -  a platform for discussion and exchange. The TYCR will discuss youth related issues and how to explore possible solutions to resolve them in a way that promotes the youth role within the community.

Empowering the youth against extremism is a key pillar for any effective strategy aimed at countering terrorism; extremist and terrorist organizations target young people for recruitment because they are most susceptible to their ideology. Therefore, it is very important to raise awareness among young people about the dangers of this ideology.

This is a shared responsibility among all stakeholders, including the family, educational institutions, media and civil society organizations, all of which strive to strengthen positive values among young people and develop their critical thinking, thereby enabling them to recognize and reject extremist ideology.

: 06-July-2021

: YouTube Channel

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