
Al-Ittihad Ramadan Majlis Symposium in partnership with TRENDS Research & Advisory Apps and Digital Platforms: The Threat of Extremist Misuse


Al-Ittihad Ramadan Majlis Symposium in partnership with TRENDS Research & Advisory Apps and Digital Platforms: The Threat of Extremist Misuse


Digital platforms and electronic applications are no longer mere means of human interaction in the virtual world, as used to be the case years ago. They have turned recently into tools for disseminating extremist ideas and ideologies, whether by the Muslim Brotherhood and others of their ilk or by the European far-right groups and parties. The features of these platforms and applications make them more widespread and more impactful on young people.

Many electronic applications have appeared recently and have been misused ideologically, such as Clubhouse, which allows its users to conduct direct auditory conversations in closed virtual rooms. Euro Fatwa, made by The European Council for Fatwa and Research – a Dublin-based private foundation founded by the Muslim Brotherhood member Yusuf al-Qaradawi, also promotes the Muslim Brotherhood’s ideas. Besides, other popular digital and social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn are also misused ideologically by many extremist and terrorist groups and the European far-right outfits.

Ideological misuse of digital platforms and electronic applications poses a threat to societies’ security and stability and its negative impact on the values of coexistence, tolerance, and moderation. These values are proper foundations of global human fraternity. Therefore, it is a collective international responsibility to confront this issue as it affects world security and stability. Many international calls for technology companies to ban applications misused by these groups, monitor the content being posted on social media, and forbid any ideas that promote extremism and terrorism, or hatred.

This symposium aims to shed light on the network world, which has become the bearer of these groups’ ideologized media discourse or message and explain the dangers of ideological misuse of digital platforms and electronic applications. It also tries to show how to develop a comprehensive strategy that would help protect societies against the negative impacts of these applications.


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02.00 P.M.

Opening Remarks

Hamad al kaabi

Hamad Al-Kaabi


Al-Ittihad Newspaper


02:03 pm

Dr Mohamed AlAli

Dr. Mohammed Al-Ali

CEO, TRENDS Research & Advisory



02:05 pm





Dr Farid photo for his profile page in expert section

Dr. Mohammed Azzi


Planning and Information Analysis Advisor, Researcher in Political Sociology and Opinion Polls

TRENDS Research & Advisory


 Digital Platforms and their Role in Spreading Extremist Ideologies


02:10 pm

From Virtual Communication to Platform for Fame-Seekers: Smear Campaigns and Linguistic Platitudes

Dr. Abdullah Al-Ghathami

Abdullah Al-Ghutami

Professor of Criticism and Theory

King Saud University


 Misuse of Digital Platforms for Propagating Ideologies: Case Studies
02:20 pm

 The Muslim Brotherhood: From Euro-Fatwa to Clubhouse

Mohamed AlMula

Muhammad Al-Mulla

Media Advisor to the Kuwaiti Journalists Union


02:30 pm

ISIS Spreading Extremist Ideology over Cyber Caliphate

صورة محمد خلفان الصوافيF

Mohammed Khalfan Al-Sawafi

Director of the Parliamentary Media Department

Federal National Council


 Electronic Platforms and Smart Apps: The Political, Commercial, and Security Threats
02:40 pm

 Commercialization of Personal Data and Consumer Trends Manipulation

Dr. Mohammad Al-Asoomi

Dr. Mohammad Al-Asoomi

Consultant and Economist


 Toward an Effective Strategy to Protect the Public against Misuse of Digital Platforms
02:50 pm

 Safeguarding the Public against Extremist Ideologies: The Role of Educational Institutions

Dr. Omar Al-Darei

Dr. Omar Al-Darei

Member of the UAE Sharia Ifta Council



03:00 pm

The Role of Educational and Media Institutions in Tackling the Threat Posed by Digital Platforms

Dr. Ashraf Al Eisawy

Dr. Ashraf Al-Eisawi

Media Advisor

TRENDS Research & Advisory


03:10 pmGeneral Discussion
03:25 pm

Closing Remarks

Dr. Mohammed Azzi - Moderator

Planning and Information Analysis Advisor, Researcher in Political Sociology and Opinion Polls

TRENDS Research & Advisory



: 20-April-2021

: TRENDS YouTube Channel

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