
The Future of Resources and Sustainability


The Future of Resources and Sustainability

This E-Symposium focuses on Four Themes:

  • Globalization and its impact on food security

This section will highlight globalization’s influence on food security and food supply and distribution in the urban environment and the impact of these transformations on the current economic issues.

  • Sustainable water management and its implications on water security

The challenges and opportunities related to holistic and sustainable water management will be discussed during this section. It will also shed light on a more expanded scope of water security, such as water quality and its effects on human health and the environment, besides quantity and availability. The section will also highlight climate change’s impact on the quality and quantity of water resources.

  • Technology and innovation in food and water security

This section will highlight the role of technological advancement in achieving global food and water security, focusing on the opportunities and challenges.

  • Food and water security during crises

This segment will narrate the best practices in dealing with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. It will also discuss the efforts made in planning and finding solutions to food and water security challenges during crises.


Watch e-symposium LIVE at 7:00 pm (GST)

: 06-April-2021


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