
How governance can unlock the potential within individuals, communities, and sectors to shape a better future?


How governance can unlock the potential within individuals, communities, and sectors to shape a better future?

The third series of "What's Trending" - E-Discussion "How governments can unlock the potential within individuals, communities, and sectors to shape a better future?"


This E-Discussion will focus on the following:

1.    What does government need to do to create future-proof governance systems that enable innovation while protecting society? The government will be challenged in an unprecedented manner to catch up to development across all industries. They need to not only adapt to changes quickly but also, and most importantly, anticipate future shifts in order to set the proper rules and regulations and create an environment that enables innovation while protecting people and institutions.

2.    How governments can empower and enhance the role of women within governance and leadership positions? Empowering and encouraging women to participate more fully in the public sphere is essential to unlocking future opportunities. Gender diversity is crucial, given that these decision-making bodies create the rules that affect people’s behaviors and life choices, what are the characteristics of effective governance that can achieve these objectives?.

Watch e-discussion video



About the e-discussion







Amal Al Breiki Photo

Amal Al Breiki

Fellow, TRENDS Research & Advisory



Nada Alwadi

Nada Alwadi

PhD Candidate in International Affairs, focusing on Digital Governance in GCC



Deya' Leonard Dresner

Deya' Leonard Dresner

Founder & Executive Director of the Leonard Education Organization ( LE.O )


Dr. Fatima Alsebaie

Dr. Fatima Alsebaie

Research Fellow in Bahrain Center for Strategic, International and Energy Studies (DERASAT)



Deborah Edirisinghe

Deborah Edirisinghe

Founding Director Child Action Lanka / Humanitarian

Sri Lanka


Velina Tchakarova

Velina Tchakarova

Director at the Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES) in Vienna, Austria


Ms Khadija BENDAM

Ms Khadija BENDAM

Head of nuclear & radiological safety and security audits, CNESTEN


Federica Leonetti

Federica Leonetti

International Business advisor for the Enterprise Europe Network at Unioncamere Piemonte - Italy

Dr. Anna Pobol

Dr. Anna Pobol

Director for Cooperation with EU and EaP countries at the Scientific and Technological Association


: 08-March-2021


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