
Knowledge revolution and global economic development prospects


Knowledge revolution and global economic development prospects

This symposium discusses the following:

1- Knowledge economy or the primacy of the human capital.

In this section of the eSymposium, we will discuss the difference between the past industrial revolution and the knowledge economy. The role of the human capital is more important than ever with the advent of new technologies. Developing the human capital to be ready for the knowledge economy is key to the success of any country.

2- Drivers of the knowledge economy: Future Prospects.

The focus here is on key sectors of the economy that will drive the knowledge economy today and in the future. What are the key existing industries that will drive the knowledge economy? What are the industries of the future that will flourish in the knowledge economy?

3- Government role in the knowledge economy – catalyst and watchdog

Governments’ role is critical both as a promoter of the development of new technologies, and a regulator that insures the safe and legal use of these new technologies. Governments need to take a proactive approach in the face of accelerating technological developments.

4- Opportunities and challenges created by the knowledge economy.

The knowledge economy will create great opportunities for economic development and prosperity but also comes with difficult socio-economic challenges. What are these opportunities and challenges and what can be done to take advantage of opportunities and address the challenges?

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: 23-February-2021

: Trends YouTube channel

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