
The Impact of Space in Redesigning the Humanity's Future: New Frontiers of Geopolitics, Innovation, and Discovery


The Impact of Space in Redesigning the Humanity's Future: New Frontiers of Geopolitics, Innovation, and Discovery

As part of the Future TRENDS Forum: The World in 2071,we are organizing this e-symposium that highlights space’s strategic dimensions, its growth potential, industrialization, weaponization, and commercialization.

Leading experts working in the space industry and engaged in academic research will take part in the two-hour-long e-symposium – The Impact of Space in Redesigning the Humanity’s Future: New Frontiers of Geopolitics, Innovation, and Discovery. Dr. Simonetta Di Pippo, Director of the United Nation Office Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), Austria, will deliver the keynote speech.

Following will be the key topics to be discussed during the symposium:

  • The Strategic Dynamics of Space: Geopolitical Dimensions and Policy Implications
  • The Upcoming Significant Space Missions and Beyond: Vision, Goals and the Future Prospects
  • The Militarization and Weaponization of Space: Consequences for International Security
  • A New Era of Space Innovation: The Key Drivers and Strategic Objectives on the Horizon
  • The Growth and Potential of the Space Economy: Global Strategies and Best Practices
  • Human Settlement and Industrialization in Space: Planning Priorities and Main Challenges
  • Commercialization of Space Travel and Tourism: From Science Fiction to Reality

Watch Symposium video 


Introductory Video




7.00 P.M.

Welcoming Remarks

Marcus Vilaça

 Marcus Vilaςa

Satellite Industry Expert

United Kingdom

7.02 P.M.

Key Note Speech

Dr. Simonetta Di Pippo profile photo

 Dr. Simonetta Di Pippo


United Nation Office Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)


7.05 P.M.

 The Strategic Dynamics of Space:  Geopolitical Dimensions and Policy Implications

Dr. Namrata Goswami

Dr. Namrata Goswami

Independent Scholar, Subject Matter Expert, Futures Lab

United States of America

7.15 P.M.

 The Upcoming Significant Space Missions and Beyond:  Vision, Goals and the Future Prospects

Dr. Farouk El-Baz

Dr. Farouk El-Baz

Retired Director

Center for Remote Sensing

Boston University

United States of America

7.25 P.M.

The Growth and Potential of the Space Economy:  Global Strategies and Best Practices

Jean-Jacques Tortora

Mr. Jean-Jacques Tortora

Director, European Space Policy Institute

Republic of Austria

7.35 P.M.

Dr. Henry R. Hertzfeld

Co-Director of the Space Policy Institute and Research Professor of Space Policy and International Affairs at the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University

United States of America

7.45 P.M.

Human Settlement and Industrialization in Space:  Planning Priorities and Main Challenges

William (Bill) Kemp

William (Bill) Kemp

Co-Founder / CEO

United Space Structures (USS)

United States of America 

7.55 P.M.

 The Militarization and Weaponization of Space:  Consequences for International Security


Dr. Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan

Distinguished Fellow & Head of the Nuclear and Space Policy Initiative

Observer Research Foundation

Republic of India

8.05 P.M.

Dr. Bleddyn Bowen

Dr. Bleddyn Bowen

Lecturer in International Relations, University of Leicester

United Kingdom

8.15 P.M.

 A New Era of Space Innovation:  The Key Drivers and Strategic Objectives on the Horizon

Dr. Nidhal Guessoum

Dr. Nidhal Guessoum

Professor of Physics and Astronomy

American University of Sharjah

United Arab Emirates 

8.25 P.M.

Dr. Yarjan Abdul Samad

Dr. Yarjan Abdul Samad

Senior Research Associate and Senior Teaching Fellow

United Kingdom

8.35 P.M.

Commercialization of Space Travel and Tourism:  From Science Fiction to Reality


Dr. Ivan V. Danilin

Head of Science and Innovation Department

Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy
and International Relations (IMEMO), Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation


8.45 P.M.

Open Discussion

8.55 P.M.


 Closing Remarks

Marcus VilaçaMarcus Vilaςa

Satellite Industry Expert

United Kingdom

: 02-February-2021

: TRENDS YouTube Channel

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