
The Future of Books in the Digital Age


The Future of Books in the Digital Age

The digital age nowadays has transformed the medium of disseminating knowledge from traditional, hardcover, printed books to more accessible resources. Amazon, the most common book-selling platform, currently indicates that e-books and Kindle sales are high on the rise due to their affordability, availability, and transformability to different electronic devices. Such advancement necessitates concurrent change not only in the content to be presented but also in the way it would be displayed in terms of colors, photos, videos, and density of paragraphs. Another fact is that books are surprisingly no longer the principle cultural media. This could be because books are increasingly becoming relegated to a lower edge by the flashing screens, iPads, e-books, Kindles, tablets and other related electronic media. In agreement with these changes, TRENDS Research & Advisory organizes this e-lecture to raise the awareness of people and readers on the future of books in the digital age.

In the light of this, we are holding a lecture on Jan 24th , 7:00 PM UAE time to discuss the future of books in the digital age with Mr Porter  Anderson, Editor-in-Chief Publishing Perspectives United States of America.

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The Future of Books in the Digital Age

: 24-January-2021

: Trends YouTube channel

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