
TRENDS and the UAE Embassy in South Korea discuss mechanisms for organizing joint scientific events with peer think tanks


TRENDS Research and Advisory discussed with the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in the Republic of Korea ways of cooperation and building of constructive partnership with Korean think tanks and research institutions in the scientific and knowledge fields. The meeting discussed possible mechanisms for organizing a set of programs, events and scientific conferences in Korea. TRENDS Center is the knowledge partner of the esteemed UAE Embassy in South Korea and a number of Korean universities as well.

This audience was held during the visit by a delegation from the UAE Embassy in the Republic of Korea to the headquarters of TRENDS Research and Advisory in Abu Dhabi. The Embassy delegation was briefed on the Center's scientific and research efforts, its international strategy of openness to globasl research Centers and similar institutions. TRENDS officials briefed the visiting embassy delegation about its role in spreading knowledge aimed at promoting a culture of peace, coexistence and tolerance and rejecting hate speech, violence and extremism.


Knowledge Dissemination

Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of TRENDS Research and Advisory, appreciated the visit by the embassy delegation. He said that TRENDS is an independent research institution that seeks, through its scientific, research and knowledge production, to build bridges of communication, understanding and dialogue between peoples and societies. The Center does this through intensifying its constructive partnerships with scientific research centers and active engagement with international forums. The ultimate aim is to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge, support research and scientific exchange, and develop constructive, reliable and balanced solutions to the current international challenges.

He stressed that cooperation between think tanks and different research institutions would contribute significantly to the development of enlightened and sustainable visions and effective plans that serve the noble mission of scientific research. This is embodied into TRENDS strategy of spreading the values of tolerance and coexistence that promotes the value of peace. TRENDS Center consider the significance of promoting peace and stresses the pivotal role of research centers in promoting these values and relevant principles.


Effective Partnerships

Dr. Al-Ali stated that TRENDS built strong relations and effective partnerships with several research centers and institutes in the Republic of Korea. These include the Jeju Peace Institute (JPI), where the two sides recently signed a memorandum of understanding and cooperation. The MOU facilitates the conduct of joint research, exchange of experiences and organization of joint events that serve the goals and strategies of both sides in the fields of research and dissemination of knowledge.

The CEO of TRENDS Center indicated that the center had a distinguished and active participation in the Seoul International Book Fair 2023. The Seoul Book Fair was a valuable opportunity to showcase hundreds of titles from TRNDS diverse research publications. Moreover, the Center used the popular Book Fair to discuss aspects of mutual cooperation and scientific and research partnership with the Institute of Middle Eastern Studies at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. TRENDS Center has signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Korea-Arab Society to exchange experts and experiences in areas of common interest.


Intellectual collaboration

The delegation of the UAE Embassy in the Republic of Korea praised TRENDS' scientific and research efforts, which are characterized by high accuracy and professionalism. They praised TRENDS continuous endeavor to provide insightful visions. The delegation lauded TRENDS for delivering sound visions and consultancy studies to the decision-makers and interested audience. They praised this role which contributes to promotion of the values of peace, tolerance, cooperation and coexistence.

The embassy delegation stressed that the research and scientific output of TRENDS Center and its conferences, seminars and regular international events, play a key role in enhancing cooperation and mutual understanding between nations. The delegation noted the significance of intellectual and research cooperation in developing promoting common understanding of peace. This is achieved through meaningful and effective research partnerships between various global think tanks.

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