
TRENDS and American Jewish Committee Discuss Enhancing Research Collaborations in Support of Human Fraternity


TRENDS Research and Advisory discussed with the American Jewish Committee (AJC) ways to enhance research, scientific and knowledge cooperation between the two sides to support the principles of human fraternity and acceptance of the other. The Two sides discussed the spread of a culture of peace, tolerance and the values of coexistence, in addition to rejecting hate speech, extremism, violence and intolerance.

The two sides attended the discussion panel held by TRENDS Research and Advisory at its headquarters in Abu Dhabi, in the presence of retired Ambassador Mark Sievers, Director of the American Jewish Committee and member of the Sydney Lerner Center for Arab-Jewish Understanding. The discussion was attended by a number of young experts and researchers who participated in the session.


Sustaining Peace

Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of TRENDS Research and Advisory, stressed that the most important thing than peace processes and the dissemination of moderate thought is the sustainability of peace itself. This is definitely not an easy ride or automatically achievable task. Rather, it requires a strong will, courage, continuous effort to achieve it and benefit from its final outcome.  Scientific research seeks to achieve stability and sustainable development and by extension plays an effective role in sustaining the principles of peace, tolerance and coexistence. Scientific research and studies promote the importance of human fraternity, so that societies and peoples may enjoy the fruits of lasting peace.

Dr. Al-Ali indicated that spreading the culture of peace is at the forefront of TRENDS Center’s priorities and its interests. It is a mission aimed at spreading the values of tolerance, promoting world peace, through solid research and credible studies by young researchers to whom the TRENDS Center pays pay great attention as future leaders. Youth are the most capable people of advocating peace, tolerance and coexistence.

Dr. Al-Ali stated that TRENDS' mission and research strategy seek to provide a better understanding and more accurate analysis of the various issues and developments in the world and foresee their future. This includes peace processes that enhance regional and global stability.


Constructive Dialogue

Retired Ambassador Mark Sievers, director of the American Jewish Committee and a member of the Sidney Lerner Center for Arab-Jewish Understanding, said peace and stability need constructive dialogue that supports understanding and acceptance of the other. He stressed the need to focus on ways to promote mutual understanding, peacemaking and bridging divergent views.

Ambassador Mark explained that young people play a major role in achieving world peace, which emphasizes the importance of empowering them to solve political, socio-economic and cultural problems. He said are represent the key pillar for building sustainable peace, advocating tolerance and leading the change for a sustainable secure future.

Ambassador Mark praised TRENDS Center’s research efforts and the global vision it holds, in addition to its role of promoting the values of peace and tolerance. HE Ambassador Mark referred to the activities, events, conferences and publications of the Center, which dealt with the Abraham Accords and the prospects for peace in the region. He indicated that the Center offers a unique model for scientific research and its importance and stressed the significance of opening the potential for research cooperation between various research and think tanks around the world.  He said that this approach contributes to the transfer of knowledge and promotes the values of peace and stability.

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