
Within the framework of cooperation between "TRENDS" and CNN Business Arabic ..A Seminar on the Relationship Between Scientific Research and the Media



Mustafa Alrawi, Acting Managing Director at CNN Business Arabic platform, confirmed that cooperation between media outlets and research centers would produce well-documented and credible knowledge content. A seminar was organized by TRENDS Research and Advisory, attended by Mr. Alrawi who joined researchers at Trends at the event. Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of the TRENDS Research and Advisory, heads of sectors and a number of the staff were present. Dr. Al-Ali appreciated the cooperation between TRENDS and the CNN Business platform. He also praised the platform for disseminating valuable economic knowledge and publishing research products on its platform.





The Acting Managing Director at CNN Business Arabic platform spoke about the areas of cooperation with TRENDS. He indicated said that they are related to three main parts: first is the insightful and sustainable scientific research output of TRENDS, and second is cooperation in holding seminars, conferences and joint activities. The third area is publishing the articles and research material authored by TRENDS capable researchers. Another area of fruitful cooperation is the contribution by TRENDS researchers who are hosted to comment on events through specific videos and targeted posts.





The economic journalist called on young researchers to take advantage of the opportunities offered by their reputable center to understand the dynamics of current events and ongoing developments in various fields.
He said that the TRENDS Center is highly regarded as an important research institution, known for being active within the Arab world and internationally. It produces in-depth publications, policy papers, events and various activities of interest. He praised TRENDS for it its balanced research publications.

Mr. AlRawi highly appreciated TRENDS' efforts to develop the skills of young researchers. He said that they will form a prospective base of future leaders, and expressed his hope that they would become role models for coming generations.




It is worth mentioning that CNN Business Arabic was launched in 2023. The dedicated digital business platform is operated by International Media Investments (IMI) in partnership with CNN International Commercial (CNNIC).

The digital-first business platform provides business news coverage, insightful podcasts, global economic, financial and up to date commercial analysis. It offers visual, data-driven content. The platform covers regional and global business developments for Arabic audience around the world.

The new platform covers a wide range of sectors, including sustainability, green economy, cryptocurrency, real estate development, energy, technology and more.

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