
A Study by TRENDS warns of the possible repercussions of the war in Sudan on the phenomenon of terrorism



A study by Trends Research and Advisory warned that the ongoing war in Sudan, between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces, will turn the country into a fertile hub for terrorism. The lawlessness situation prevalent within the country paves the way for possible migration of violent and extremist groups that take shelter in neighbouring African countries. Another dangerous possibility is the possible displacement of extremist groups that took shelter in these the African countries for many years. Sudan could soon turn into an attractive setting for these terrorist elements.


The study is entitled: "The Repercussions of the War in Sudan on the Phenomenon of Terrorism". It presumes that there are credible concerns that the current political and security circumstances resulting from the continuing war may push extremist organizations to look for a safe haven to resume their activities within Sudan. The troubled country could be a more convenient environment compared to the ones they these groups are operating in currently.


The analysis indicated that there are some reports that referred to the Muslim Brotherhood group in Sudan, locally nicknamed as “the Kizan”, who actively engaged in the current events hoping they could benefit from the war outcome and the wide chaos that swept the country. The study was prepared by Mounir Adeeb, a researcher specialized in the affairs of extremist movements and international terrorism. The author attempted to determine the repercussions of the relevant dangers of the ongoing war in Sudan on the spread of the phenomenon of terrorism and the potential waves of migration of extremist groups into the Sudanese capital, Khartoum. The author warned of the imminent threat of these organizations to the neighboring countries, mainly Egypt, which is located to the north of greater Sudan.


The study discussed the possibility of Sudan turning into a safe haven for terrorist groups in light of the ongoing armed conflict between the two largest military factions. It sheds light on the most lethal extremist groups that began moving into Sudan from the Sahel and Sahara region and the Horn of Africa. The author discussed the potential role of the international community in standing up to this emerging challenge.

Also, the study discussed the possibility of Sudan turning into a safe haven for terrorism in light of the ongoing armed conflict between the two largest military powers. It sheds light on the most important extremist organizations that began moving inside Sudan from the Sahel and Sahara region and the Horn of Africa. The study referred to the possible role of the international community in confronting this potential threat.

The study stated that the Muslim Brotherhood group contributed to the outbreak of this war. The Sudanese security sources and political parties confirmed that the group is the major beneficiary of the war. The group has their partners who came to Sudan during the toppled regime of general Basheir, according to initial assessments that confirmed these facts.

The study concluded that the situation in Sudan has become so dangerous not only to the internal security of the whole country, but also to the regional security and possibly to countries around the world. The study concluded that the situation in Sudan has become quite dangerous not only to its internal security, but might spill over to neighbouring countries, with possible repercussions on regional security and beyond.

The security conflict imposes some unwanted changes that may play out in favor of violent and extremist groups. Some of these groups exist inside Sudan. Their whose presence was fostered by the previous political regime. Also, there are other extremist organizations with external connections.

The study warned that Sudan may well become a safe haven for terrorist groups. Indeed, the country may become a major source of terrorist activities of all sorts. The volatile security situation may continue to worsen. Without external or regional intervention to reduce the intensity of the threat or eliminate it completely, the country may plunge into an all-out state of lawlessness. This is a possible situation in the absence of a credible transition to a civilian government whose first priority should be confronting the existential threat of extremist organizations.

The study indicated that the extremist groups that continue to move inside Sudan operate under the camouflage name of the “Islamic movement”; a hidden name for the Muslim Brotherhood group. The group is gearing up to take advantage of the possible outcome of the current political and security complications. The author asserts that the Muslim Brotherhood group will exert all efforts to ensure a possible come back to the political scene. They may even seek to call for support from similar extremist organizations outside Sudan to achieve this desired goal, or at least to assist them to restore their lost political grip.


The study indicated that the causes for the spread of terrorism in Sudan are well known. Perhaps its indications have become clearer now. Therefore, the level of expectations will be according to the size of the potential danger. Sudan may soon turn into a desired destination for terrorist groups in Africa, especially if the current situation continues unabated.



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