
Coinciding with its Ninth Anniversary TRENDS Research and Advisory Launches its Scientific and Academic Council


TRENDS Research and Advisory announced the launch of its Scientific and Academic Council. The announcement coincides with TRENDS’ the ninth anniversary. The council is headed by Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of TRENDS Research and Advisory. Its membership includes a group of distinguished academics, professional leaders and representatives of local and international research and academic institutions.

The Council provides advisory support and contributes strategic guidelines to improve the TRENDS Center's activities and programs. This would enhance its pioneering position and optimizes its research, scientific and training output, in line with the best international practices.

The Scientific and Academic Council is responsible for delivering sound advice on priorities and it opens new horizons for scientific research and academic studies. The council proposes the development of scientific research policies, methodologies of research and motivates researchers to create. The Council shall develop the general policy and strategic plans of TRENDS Center, in response to the changes and developments at the academic and scientific levels. The Council shall propose the relevant modalities to empower young researchers with scientific research tools, increase their contribution to scientific production and establish partnership and bilateral cooperation with peer National, regional and international institutions. The ultimate aim is to enhance cultural and practical relations and develop training programs in line with the requirements of the labor market.

Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of TRENDS, stressed that the Council reflects the significance of scientific and professional partnerships in the development of research centers. Moreover, he expressed his hope that the Scientific and Academic Council support and encourage innovation. The Council is expected to present its strategic advice that steer TRENDS Center towards more excellence and leadership in research output.

Dr. Mohammed Al-Ali said that this step coincides with the ninth anniversary of TRENDS Research and Advisory. It is a paradigm shift in response to the development and continuous modernization efforts at TRENDS that enhance its ambitions and global vision of empowering youth as future leaders. He stressed the commitment to develop in order to deliver high quality research output, in line with the best international standards.


He explained that TRENDS has become a global research platform, thanks to the gracious efforts of those in charge of it and its employees. The Center is true bridge of communication that provides balanced research content that anticipates events and raises the quality of research and intellectual output. TRENDS diversity in research methods shall help achieve its objectives.

The Scientific and Academic Council of TRENDS is chaired by Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, Founder and CEO of TRENDS Research and Advisory. Mr. Abdulhadi Al Hammadi, Director of the CEO's Office Sector, is the rapporteur, and the Council membership includes His Excellency Dr. Khalifa Mubarak Al Dhaheri, Chancellor of Mohamed bin Zayed University for Humanities,

Her Excellency Ambassador (Ret.) Marcel M. Wahba, former Ambassador of the United States of America to the United Arab Emirates, Honorary President of the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington (AGSM). Dr. Fatima Saeed Al Shamsi, Deputy Executive Director for Administrative Affairs, Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi, Professor Anthony Cordesman, Emeritus Chair in Strategy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Other members  include Dr. Khadija Farhan Al Hamid, Director of Student Affairs at Rabdan Academy, Dr. Radwan Al Sayed, Dean of the College of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research at Mohamed Bin Zayed University, Professor Marc Tessier Co-Founder and Associate Principal Investigator of the Arab Barometer, and Professor Yossi Meckelberg, Professor of International Relations and Senior Advisor at Chatham House in the United Kingdom, Professor of International Relations at the University of Regents, and Mr. Hamad Al-Kaabi, Editor-in-Chief of Al-Ittihad newspaper.

The members of the Council expressed their appreciation for TRENDS Research and Advisory for selection as a member of the Scientific and Academic Council, and said that the Center has become a global research platform that anticipates the future and participates in making it. They stressed that the Center's diverse interests require a capable scientific and academic council whose members, each according to its specialization and experience, enhances its role and balanced research output.

His Excellency Dr. Khalifa Al Dhaheri said that “TRENDS” represents an addition to research centers at the regional and global levels. He expressed his satisfaction with the center’s achievements. He said he believes that TRENDS shall become the first destination for researchers and academics from different parts of the world.


Dr. Khalifa indicated that the Council includes a group of intellectuals who will present ideas and initiatives that enrich the content of TRENDS and exchange ideas with the world. He referred to the cooperation between Mohamed bin Zayed University for Humanities and TRENDS Center in the Human Fraternity Program and the training of researchers. He stressed that there will be additional participations between the two sides.


Dr. Fatima Al Shamsi expressed her thanks to TRENDS Research and Advisory and her pleasure to join a distinguished group of researchers, as well as being part of the new generation that has been invested in.

She added: "We are proud of the various activities of TRENDS, and its balanced scientific research," noting that the center has become one of the important think tanks in the region. Dr. Al Shamsi stressed that the Council will work to provide assistance that helps TRENDS achieve its goals and attract capable research competencies.


Dr. Khadija Al-Hamid said that the development and robust output by TRENDS confirmed its excellence, as one of the centers that were built by a young Emirati generation. She praised the role of the CEO and TRENDS management in embracing them, empowering them and enhancing their research skills.

Mr. Hamad Al-Kaabi expressed his honor to be a member of the TRENDS Scientific and Academic Council and be part of of this distinguished elite of members of the Council. He indicated that TRENDS used to surprise the research community with everything novel and unique. Al Kaabi stressed his keenness to provide a qualitative addition, pointing out that the activities and studies of TRENDS address the reality and explore community issues. They are characterized by excellence.

 Dr. Radwan Al-Sayed expressed his thanks and appreciation to TRENDS for being selected as a member of the Scientific and Academic Council of the Prosperous Center. He expressed his great admiration for the tremendous activity of the Center, whether in terms of published books issued in various series, including the series on combating extremism and terrorism, international relations or the insightful economic analyses, strategic and political events in the world.

He said that TRENDS Center responds to challenges in an appropriate manner, not in terms of knowledge, definition and follow-up, but in terms of deep opinion, the identification of links, interests and future possibilities.

Al-Sayed stressed that the center's comprehensive interests require a scientific and academic council whose members, each according to his specialization and experience, contributes to enhancing TRENDS’ role and balanced research output.



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