
TRENDS and Ethiopian think tanks discuss the prospects for joint research cooperation


TRENDS Research and Advisory and three research institutes in Ethiopia reviewed the prospects for joint research cooperation at the beginning of the second leg of an African tour, which began with Egypt and extends to Kenya.

Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of TRENDS Research and Advisory, led the delegation which visited the headquarters of the Institute for Peace and Security Studies at Addis Ababa University (IPSS), the Horn Institute for Economic and Social Policy (HESPI), and the Institute  of Foreign Affairs IFE, affiliated to the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital.

During the three meetings, prospects for cooperation in the field of research and exchange of experiences were reviewed. The meetings reviewed issues of peace and global security, political and economic developments. The discussion included the role of research centers in anticipating emerging events, developing plans and analyzing issues, in addition to their role in training, conduct of opinion polls and other areas of research cooperation.

The two sides discussed the potential for conducting studies and research, especially with regard to the African continent. The importance of scientific research in anticipating events and their repercussions was emphasized. The two sides referred to the international scramble for Africa.

The two sides agreed that scientific research would contribute to the renaissance of countries by proposing solutions and addressing challenges with correct visions.

The TRENDS delegation presented a brief overview of the nature of the center's work, its global vision and its endeavor to empower young researchers. They explained the center's research programs, training fields, conduct of opinion polls. The TRENDS delegation briefed the Ethiopian audience on the Center’s activities and events, all of which aim to spread knowledge, consolidate the values of tolerance and coexistence and reject violence and hatred.

The officials of the three Ethiopian institutes, namely Letti Longwe, Director of the African Peace and Security Program at the Institute of Peace and Security Studies at Addis Ababa University, Dr. Ali Issa, Director General of the Horn Institute for Economic and Social Policy, and Amare K. Oeke, Director General of Middle East Research at the Institute of Foreign Affairs, explained the nature of their institutions’ work. The meeting stressed the importance of research centers in anticipating events, developing visions, and informing decision-makers and academics about those visions which help develop the necessary solutions.

During the meetings, the three officials expressed their appreciation for the TRENDS research efforts and its interest in young people. They praised the Center’s commitment to encourage young people to participate in the research, which represents the basis of knowledge, education and building of nations. They expressed their pleasure at prospective cooperation with TRENDS Research and Advisory.

The two sides agreed to continue communication and develop cooperation tro build effective partnerships in the future. They stressed that this would serve knowledge and spread the values of peace, tolerance and coexistence. 

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