
TRENDS and Middle East Studies Center of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) in Korea sign a memorandum of research cooperation


TRENDS Research and Advisory signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Center for Middle East and Islamic Studies of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) in Korea.

The agreement shall enable the two sides to benefit from the experts’ knowledge and mutual experience accumulated in the fields of research and science, training and development. The agreement shall enhance joint cooperation between the two parties in holding joint international conferences, forums and seminars.

The MoU falls in line with TRENDS’ global orientation, serve the objectives of its strategic plan and ensures openness to international academic and research institutions. TRENDS Center is keen to build a network of research and scientific partnerships with reputable think tanks.

The MoU was signed by Mr. Abdullah AlHammadi, Director of Conferences and Strategic Communication, and Dr. Yoo Dal Song, Director of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies.

The memorandum of cooperation shall strengthen and activate partnership and coordination between the two sides in areas of common interest, especially in the field of studies, scientific and academic research and exchange of experts and researchers.

AlHammadi said that strengthening relations with international research centres, scientific and advisory institutions is a key element of TRENDS’ research strategy, given the long history of these centers in serving the field of serious research.

He added that the two sides are determined to organize a series of joint scientific and research events and cooperate in holding international conferences, seminars, workshops and lectures.

Dr. Yoo Dal Song, Director of the Middle East Studies Center praised the constructive cooperation and partnership with TRENDS Research and Advisory. He expressed his hope that it will achieve the desired objectives. He said that HUFS focuses on Arabic and Islamic studies and translation.

Dr. Song said that cooperation with TRENDS opens the possibility for promising future participation between the two parties in organizing bilateral events and seminars with the participation of experts from both sides. He indicated that cooperation with TRENDS derives its importance from the fact that it supports scientific and research partnership, by strengthening networks of relations with international partners. It enables exchange of views, ideas and visions on relevant issues and developments discussed by the two sides. The agreement enables them to explore the dimensions and foresee the future of such events.


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