
In practical «Support of Creative Emirati Writers» Initiative Three new TRENDS books released at the Sharjah International Book Fair


Three new books were released at the Sharjah International Book Fair. The new publications were authored by researchers from TRENDS Research and Advisory. These qualitative and unique publications discuss issues, crises and the latest developments in the world.

The signing ceremonies took place at the Signature Corner of Sharjah Book Fair. The event reflects the objectives of the TRENDS initiative to support creative Emirati writers. The signing of these three releases is part of the scientific, cultural and knowledge program accompanying TRENDS participation in the activities of the 42nd edition of the Sharjah Book Fair.

Retired Major General Pilot (psc) Abdullah Al Sayed Al Hashemi, Vice President of the Emirates Golf Federation, opened the signing ceremony by his book: “Confronting Major Security Threats". He was followed by Abdulaziz Al-Maamari, writer and political analyst, who signed his book “The Role of Parliamentary Diplomacy in Climate Issues: The UAE as a Model” .The third signing event was by a group of TRENDS researchers, who initialed the eleventh book of the "Encyclopedia of the Muslim Brotherhood", entitled: "The concept of the state according to the Brotherhood".


Major threats

Commenting on his book " Confronting Major Security Threats", Retire Major General Pilot (psc) Abdullah Al Sayed Al Hashemi, Vice President of the UAE Golf Federation, said that the book sheds light on the challenges facing the world in maintain security, as security plays a key role in building stable civilizations and guaranteeing the progress of peoples.

Major General Abdulla Al Hashemi stressed that the world is facing different evolving and changing types of non-traditional threats. These emerging threats have generated new security issues such as, securing food chains, energy sources, facing the risks of climate change, and the spread of epidemics. Security is no longer limited to its narrow common concept of defeating an attack by a brutal force.

General Al-Hashemi explained that the geopolitical cultural identity of the Middle East needs a deep and insightful framework to be adopted Middle East states. Such framework should redefine all the international policies towards the region, including the development of a roadmap for the Middle East with, that takes into consideration the UAE’s vision for a new Middle East.


Parliamentary diplomacy

Abdulaziz Al-Maamari, writer and political analyst, said that his book "The Role of Parliamentary Diplomacy in Climate Issues... The UAE as a Model” addresses the emergence of globalization, the information revolution and the tremendous development in communication technology. These developments have been accompanied by the emergence of new forms of diplomacy that were not known before. New actors have emerged, each of whom practices its own brand of diplomacy within the framework of its assigned role and designated competencies.

Al-Maamari said that the book addresses some features of parliamentary diplomacy, as one of the most prominent actors in the field of international relations. This emerging diplomacy can play a vital role in facing international challenges, especially climate issues, given their negative effects that affect all parts of the globe, and threaten international peace and security.


The Brotherhood Concept of the State

TRENDS Research and Advisory launched the eleventh book of the "Encyclopedia of the Muslim Brotherhood", entitled: "The concept of the state according to the Brotherhood Group". This issue signed by co-authors Noura Al-Habsi, Director of the Scientific Publishing Department, Dr. Wael Saleh, an expert in political Islam, and Sultan Al Rubaei, Deputy Head of Research and Advisory at Trends Research and Advisory.

The book confirms that the Muslim Brotherhood has been hostile to the nation-state in the Arab world since its inception. The group considered the state as a stumbling block on the way to power, and stood against its modernist foundations and principles. The Brotherhood regarded the nation-state as a violation of the qualitative foundations embraced by the group, and the principles of this the religion, which limited Islam to its narrow interpretation and hijacked it for the Brotherhood’s interest.

The book gave a detailed account and thorough analysis of the Muslim Brotherhood's concept of the state. The book criticized this concept and considered it as a threat to society and the state. The Brotherhood concept of society and the state, and indeed to religion itself, redefines Islam and uses this new self-styled version of religion as a means to achieve ends and serve the interests of the group. After all, the Brotherhood perceived state is neither national, nor Islamic.


Supporting Creative Writers

Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of TRENDS Research and Advisory, said that the new book signing ceremonies at the Sharjah Book Fair translate the message and objectives of the TRENDS initiative to support promising and creative Emirati writers. The initiative covers writers, researchers, thinkers, experts, specialists and intellectuals.

Dr. Al-Ali explained that TRENDS' scientific and cognitive approach gives great importance to intellectuals, researchers and writers. This would serve the center's global strategy of the Center. He added that people who work in the science and knowledge field have a constructive and effective role in exploring regional and international issues in meaningful ways.


Exchange of visions and ideas

The CEO of TRENDS Research and Advisory said that book fairs are incubators for international publishing houses, think tanks and research institutions. Book Fairs represent the hub where knowledge makers and intellectual meet to exchange ideas and views. Moreover, the Sharjah International Book Fair has positioned itself at the forefront of global preferred book fair destinations for researchers, thinkers, content creators and opinion makers.

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