
Trends continues its participation in the activities of the Global Media Congress.. TRENDS Organizes a Panel Discussion on «Youth, Education and the Future of Media»


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TRENDS   Research and Advisory continued its contributions to the activities of the second edition of the Global Media Congress. The Center organized a panel discussion entitled: "Youth, Education and the Future of Media", at its pavilion at the Global Media Congress held at Abu Dhabi International Exhibition Center. The event was attended by an elite audience of researchers, media professionals, students, and content managers. The "Trends Podcast" recorded 6 episodes which discussed climate, sustainability and media issues. Trends Research and Advisory signed research agreements with five think tanks and media institutions.

Moza AlMarzouqi, Head of the Economic Studies Department at Trends, moderated the panel discussion. The speakers gave a critical account of the production, circulation and consumption of media in the contemporary world. They focused on the development of technology in digital media and its impact on the industry. The panel addressed relations between youth, education and the future of media on a global scale.

“Our youth are the builders of tomorrow. They are a global force that transcends borders and cultures. To ensure a better future for them, we must understand their diverse needs, aspirations and challenges”. Moza AlMarzouqi said. 

She said that the panel discussion constitutes a global platform for cooperation, overcoming differences and reaching a shared vision.  AlMarzouqi stressed the significance of empowering young people through media awareness, as it represents a commitment to build a more cohesive society.

Ms. Elyazia AlHosani. Head of Media Communication Office at TRENDS, stressed the role of scientific research centers and media outlets in addressing emerging challenges. She explained that opinion polls showed that 90% of adolescents between the ages of    13 and 17 use social media. 75% confirmed that they have at least one active social media account, while 51% said they visit one of the sites of social media on daily basis.

With the advent of social media, the media space has become mostly chaotic and tends to be a fertile ground for disinformation. Therefore, Research centers should disseminate correct and reliable information that can bridge the knowledge gap that appeared today.

Ms. Elyazia added that research centers has raised the banner of knowledge. They lead the process of development and discovery, uncover complex problems, and laid the foundation for a better future.

Mr. Abdullah Al-Riyami, Head of Content Strategy at Al-Khaleej Times, Mr. Rashed Al Saadi, media student and Emirates news reporter, Khadija Al-Shemaili, Aerospace Engineer, and Abdulla Al Mulla, Director of the Diwan Al Mulla, all discussed the dynamic landscape of contemporary society.  They said that the interrelationship between youth, education and new media has become a focal point shaping the way individuals learn, communicate and interact with the world around them. Today's young people are going through an educational process that is heavily influenced by the spread of new media tools. As digital platforms, social networks and online resources redefine standards for disseminating information, traditional education models are evolving to accommodate these transformative forces.

The three speakers emphasized that new media, such as social media, is playing an increasingly significant role in young people’s life. Young people spend many hours each day on social media, using it to share information, build relationships, and express themselves.

Speakers noted that social media is a playground for young people, where they use it to share their ideas, exchange experiences and express themselves. However, they warned that social media can also be a source of disinformation, and it is important that young people are aware of the potential risks.

The panel discussion witnessed great interaction from the attendees, as they raised many questions, sparking a lively discussion about the future of media and the role of youth in shaping it.

The speakers stressed the challenges facing the media industry in light of the unfolding technological developments. They stressed the ability of young people to contribute to the effort of facing these challenges. They can spread awareness of the importance of verifying information before sharing it, and promoting a culture of critical analysis among the wider public.

They also stressed the importance of helping young people develop critical thinking skills, promote creativity, communication and media production, and facilitate access to the latest developments in the media industry.

The panel discussion concluded with a number of recommendations to enhance the role of youth in the future of the media. These included the need to educate young people about the importance of media awareness and critical thinking. The panel recommended the necessity to develop educational programs that help young people use the media responsibly. Lastly, they called for the production of high-quality media content targeting young people.

Meanwhile, visitors flocked to the Trends booth in the Global Media Congress, and expressed their appreciation for Trends as a global knowledge and research hub. They appreciated the Center’s contributions and its outstanding publications in various fields.

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