
To enhance research and media cooperation.. Trends signs two partnership agreements with Ras Al Khaimah Radio Authority and Al Dhafra Media Group


TRENDS Research and Advisory signed two separate cooperation and partnership agreements with Ras Al Khaimah Radio Authority and Al Dhafra Media Group. The agreements cover ways of cooperation in the media and research fields that serve Trends’ strategic objectives and enhance the media and research content of both parties. The agreements shall help both sides to foresee the future with balanced visions and insights. 

The first agreement was concluded between Trends and Ras Al Khaimah Radio Authority. It was signed by Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al Ali, CEO of Trends Research and Advisory and Mohammed Ghanem Mustafa, Director General of Ras Al Khaimah Radio Authority. The signing ceremony was held in the presence of a number of heads of sectors, directors of departments and head of sections from both sides.

The second agreement was signed between Trends Research and Advisory and Al Dhafra Media Group. Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al Ali, CEO of Trends Research and Advisory and Ms. Fatima Zahra Abu Hatab, CEO of Al Dhafra Media Group signed this agreement.

The two agreements and other memoranda of cooperation reflect the efforts by Trends center and these media institutions to optimize the use of research and scientific outputs. The two media outlets shall present the research content to the general public through various media platforms, and deliver it in user-friendly forms that meet the aspirations of all audiences.

The agreements shall promote mutual exchange of experts, media professionals and researchers in international events, conferences and knowledge activities. They provide for supporting the scientific and knowledge output of young researchers, publishing their studies and introducing them to the media. This shall help achieve the aspirations of Trends, Ras Al Khaimah Radio authority and Al Dhafra Media Group, including the Seven News platform.

Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of Trends Research and Advisory spoke separately on the occasions of signing the two agreements. He praised the media and knowledge message of Ras Al Khaimah Radio Authority and Al Dhafra Media Group and the cultural content they provide that enjoys credibility and addresses various segments of society. Dr. Al-Ali expressed his appreciation for the practical and technical development of the two institutions.

Dr. Mohammed Al-Ali stressed the mutual relationship between think tanks, scientific research institutions and the media. He said that deliver an informed message of knowledge, and spread credible information based on reliable insights.

Dr. Al-Ali stressed that Trends seeks to enhance its role as a global hub for intellectual and knowledge exchange, linking scientific research and the media message, and playing an active role in shaping the future.

Mr. Mohammed Ghanem Mustafa, Director General of Ras Al Khaimah Radio Authority, praised the research efforts of TRENDS Research and Advisory. He said that Trends publications, studies research were objective and follow correct methodology that enhances comprehensive knowledge.

Mr. Mohammed Mustafa welcomed cooperation with Trends Center to serve the common goals of society, support scientific research, achieve deeper understanding of various regional and global issues and address them from a comprehensive perspective. He stressed that cooperation between Trends and Ras Al Khaimah Radio Authority ushers distinguished relations between the two parties, and expands the knowledge base that benefits from the accumulated scientific and research expertise of both sides in areas of common interest.

Ms. Fatima Zahra Abu Hatab, CEO of Al Dhafra Media Group, praised the research and practical efforts undertaken by Trends Research and Advisory. She indicated that the qualitative knowledge output of the center helps in analyzing and anticipating events. She explained that the memorandum of cooperation between Al Dhafra Media Group and Trends reflects the endeavor to lay the foundations for fruitful cooperation with research and knowledge institutions.

Ms. Fatima expressed her pleasure at signing this agreement with Trends research and Advisory, which she said is regarded as one of the prominent research institutions in the region. She said that Trends represents a global knowledge platform.

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