
Trends and the Regional Center for Educational Planning sign a memorandum of understanding to enhance mutual cooperation


Trends Research and Advisory and UNESCO's Regional Center for Educational Planning (RCEP) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance mutual cooperation in the field of education.

The agreement provides for supporting the efforts of the two parties to implement training programs, coordinate and support the development of expertise. The two sides shall organize joint events and activities in the fields of specialization of each of them and publish research that leads to the development of the educational system.

The agreement was signed by Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of Trends Research and Advisory, and Her Excellency Mahra Hilal Al Mutaiwee, Director General of UNESCO’s Regional Centre for Educational Planning at Sharjah.

Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali said: "We are pleased to cooperate with the Regional Center for Educational Planning, because it has extensive experience in the field of education. We are confident that this cooperation will strengthen the role of scientific research in the development of education, and relevant topics.

H.E Mahra Hilal AlMutaiwee said: "Collaboration with Trends Research and Advisory represents a valuable opportunity for the Regional Center for Educational Planning. She praised Trends’ outstanding capabilities in the field of research and consultancy. “We look forward to translate this collaboration into tangible programs, projects and initiatives that contribute to the development of education in the region." Mahra said.

This regional centre aims to enhance and support the endeavours of educational systems in the region through training, consultancy, and the dissemination of knowledge in the realm of educational planning, management and leadership; additionally, to build human resource capacities. The objectives of the Center are to:

  • build national and regional capacity for modern educational planning in the Gulf States and Yemen;
  • facilitate access to information on educational planning and management.

These objectives are implemented through training in all aspects of educational planning, applied educational research, as well as through awareness raising activities with regard to specific sector development issues.  The center has been collaborating with the International Institute of Education Planning (IIEP) and other organizations for this purpose.

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