
Trends Research and Advisory participates in COP28 with diverse activities, events and publications


-Dr. Muhammad Al-Ali: We shall highlight the role of youth and make a paradigm shift in confronting climate challenges

Trends Research and Advisory shall participate in the activities of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28), which begins next Thursday, November 30, at Expo City Dubai. Trends will participate in this global climate summit which will run until December 12, 2023, with a series of events, activities and publications related to the environment, climate change and sustainability.

Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of Trends Research and Advisory, said that Trends Center, winner of the Emirates Award for Leadership in the Labor Market 2023, keeps abreast with the ongoing work of the 28th World Climate Summit. Trends supports the efforts made for making the conference a successful event, and a qualitative leap in facing climate challenges, and providing green knowledge about the issue of climate change.

Dr. Al-Ali indicated that Trends Research and Advisory will participate in the COP28 conference by a special pavilion in which a number of its research publications will be displayed, especially those related to the issue of climate and sustainability. Trends center intends to highlight the significance of preserving the environment and confronting climate change. The Center shall feature a special and innovative events schedule that promotes environmental awareness and links art and culture with the importance of preserving the environment.

Dr. Al-Ali said that Trends' activities in COP28 are diverse and numerous. The main event is the third annual conference of Trends in cooperation with the Atlantic Council in Washington on sustainable security: the material and moral effects of climate action. About twenty officials and global experts shall contribute to this conference. Another conference will be held in cooperation with the Atlantic Council- Turkey office entitled: " PROSPECTS FOR COOPERATION IN ENERGY TRANSITION FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE: GCC, TURKEY, AND REGIONAL PERSPECTIVES.”

Dr. Al-Ali explained that Trends will contribute, in cooperation with the UAE’s Red Crescent and the Police Academy, working papers on sustainability and innovation. There is a symposium entitled: The Youth Climate Mobility as a Catalyst for Climate Action, and another symposium on "Water Security Amidst Climate Change in the UAE." Subsequent symposia and events shall focus on the topics of making the future, climate justice and climate finance. 

Dr. Al-Ali stated that Trends Research and Advisory shall release during COP28 two books by a group of international experts, the first of which is entitled: "Climate Change and Transboundary Challenges in the Middle East and Africa", and “Climate Change: Dimensions and Future Directions.”

The CEO of Trends Research and Advisory explained that the center worked throughout the year to promote green knowledge through a committee of young researchers as part of its keenness to enhance and highlight their active role.  Dr. Al-Ali referred to the participation of a number of young Emirati researchers who shall moderate a set of event sessions at the World Climate Summit. Dr. Al-Ali stressed the significance of scientific research and think tanks in promoting green knowledge, and supporting climate action efforts. He said that Trends Center’s participation in COP28 focuses on several themes, most notably scientific research, youth empowerment, and strengthening research partnership and cooperation with relevant local, regional and international institutions to promote common goals.

Dr. Al-Ali indicated that Trends Research and Advisory raised the slogan "green knowledge".  He noted that at the beginning of the year it issued a research study entitled "The Road to COP28". The study covered the features of the road to this climate conference, the most important international repercussions of climate change, as well as an outline of international climate action. The book also covered the main obstacles on the way to carbon neutrality targeted by all countries of the world, and the roles assigned to the UAE to raise the global ambitions towards the desired climate change by 2050.

Sumaya Al-Hadhrami, Deputy Director of TRENDS Global Sector and Chairperson of the COP28 Committee, said that Trends Center, as an independent think tank, is committed to disseminating knowledge that enables companies and individuals to protect our planet and encourage collective efforts towards a sustainable lifestyle. She said that Trends Research and Advisory focuses its 13-day engagement on empowering youth, promoting global participation, and ensuring that all parties have the necessary resources to combat climate change.

Sumaya Al-Hadhrami explained that Trends Research and Advisory will organize a series of podcasts focusing on climate, environment and sustainability issues. In addition to other activities and events.

Alya AlJneibi, Head of Strategic Partnerships at Trends Research and Advisory, said that COP28 is an important opportunity to build new research partnerships, as many international bodies shall participate in the conference. She indicated that Trends Research and Advisory shall use these partnerships to promote its role as a global knowledge bridge.

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