
As part of Trends activities at COP28 ..Panel discussion entitled «Climate Foresight: Shaping a Resilient Future»


Trends Research and Advisory and the University of Dubai organized a joint panel discussion entitled "Climate Foresight: Shaping a Resilient Future" stressing the need for urgent action to reduce the impact of climate change.

The event was held at the Media Center in the Green Zone, as part of the activities of the two sides at the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) held at Dubai Expo City. Benjamin Davis, an expert in economic affairs at Trends Research Center, opened the discussion and said: "Developing a future platform is one of the most difficult tasks, and it is becoming more difficult in the era of climate change.  He explained that climate change has significant impact on the environment and human societies. Mr. Benjamin stressed the need to take urgent action to reduce its effects and build a more resilient future in the face of these challenges.

Professor Hussain Al-Ahmad, Vice President for Academic Affairs at the University of Dubai, said in his contribution about "The Importance of University Research in Climate Change" that the world is moving towards a climate crisis within the next fifty years. He stressed that the COP28 conference is one of the most important events in the twenty-first century, because it really addresses the measures that will be taken to confront climate change.

All sectors, including the financial sector, the private sector and governments, are working together to prevent temperatures from rising by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius in the next fifty to a hundred years, he said.

Dr. Hussain said that the University of Dubai is committed to work to limit the impact of climate change.  In fact, the University of Dubai has succeeded in establishing a carbon-neutral campus that does not pollute the environment, and there is absolutely no carbon footprint at the University of Dubai premises.

Dr. Hussain stressed the significance of scientific research in climate change issues, and indicated that the memorandum of understanding with Trends Research and Advisory would create a situation that benefits both parties through focused research, especially with regard to sustainability. He said the University of Dubai is working with Trends to ensure that there is a secure life for future generations.

Dr. Saeed Al Dhaheri, Director of the Center for Future Studies, University of Dubai, talked about the ability of system thinking to solve the climate crisis. He said "System thinking allows us to understand climate change as a multi actor phenomenon with complex aspects. We need to apply this system thinking in developing solutions to reduce its impacts."

Dr. Saeed stressed the importance of climate foresight and how to achieve climate resilience, referring to how universities and the educational system contribute to creating awareness and educating people in general.

On the importance of following new ways to help us find solutions to the climate crisis, Dr. Saeed referred to the role of systems thinking in solving the climate crisis. He explained that systems thinking can help unfold the links between the different elements and parts of the ecosystem, in addition to the different roles we play in harnessing systems thinking, climate modeling and environmental simulation to solve the issue.

Dr.  that there are many interactions between the main and subsidiary components of this system as we look at nature, the economy, society and health.

Dr. Saeed concluded by stressing the need to educate community members about the importance of foreseeing the future and systemic thinking in solving complex problems such as the climate crisis.

A number of experts and academics participated in discussing a range of issues related to climate change, and highlighted the need to take urgent action to reduce the effects of climate change. They stressed the importance of international cooperation in addressing this challenge. They recommended the need to increase investment in research and development in the field of climate change, encourage innovation in the field of renewable energy and green technologies. They called for promoting awareness of climate change issues, and developing effective national and international policies to reduce the effects of climate change.

The discussion concluded with an interactive discussion between the speakers and the audience, which stressed the significant role of think tanks and scientific research in anticipating events and even making them. Such research institutions deliver balanced visions that contribute to finding constructive solutions.

On the sidelines of the joint panel discussion, Ms. Shamma Ahmed Al Qutbah, an intern student at Trends Research and Advisory, was honored for writing a study entitled "Catalyzing Change: How Young Activists are Shaping the Climate Agenda Around the Globe”.

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