
To boost its Global outreach Trends Research and Advisory launches its office in Morocco A link between regional and international think tanks



Trends Research and Advisory has launched its virtual office in Morocco, as part of an effort to expand its regional and global outreach. The new office shall help the Center achieve its goals and strategic plan, as a global knowledge bridge. The office in Morocco shall be a link between regional and international think tanks.

Dr. Mohamed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of Trends Research and Advisory, stressed that the virtual office in Morocco will support Trends’ head office in Abu Dhabi with research, studies and scientific reports. The office in Morocco shall source research partnerships with institutions, think tanks and universities in Morocco, to address Arab and global strategic issues. Furthermore, the new office shall communicate with Arab, African, as well as European scientific expertise, taking into consideration the civilizational and cultural weight of Morocco and its geographical trans-Atlantic proximity.

The event was attended by a number of heads of Sectors and Departments, advisors, experts and the office staff in Morocco, Dr. Al-Ali explained that the Morocco office will include a research unit with diverse expertise. It shall support Trends’ areas of work, and will operate on remote basis, using the latest tools of technology.

Dr. Ali stressed that the virtual office in Morocco and its counterpart in Cairo, which was opened months ago, complement the mission of the Dubai office.  They add to the series of achievements and successes by Trends, which continues to position itself as a global platform for knowledge and scientific research. Trends Research and Advisory continues to ensure mobility and build bridges that facilitates dialogue with others and boost cultural and civilization exchange worldwide.

The Chief Executive Officer of Trends Research and Advisory explained that the virtual office in Rabat was selected after Cairo because of the cultural and civilization weight of the two Afro-Arab capitals. Trends’ office in Rabat provides a link between the Arab, African and the European countries. It shall develop proactive partnerships with think tanks and research expertise in both  Morocco and Egypt. This shall enhance Trends' deliverables and convey its balanced voice of knowledge to other parts of the world.

Awad Al Briki, Head of Trends Global, said that the sector is working to expand Trends global outreach. He indicated that the new office in Morocco offers a great opportunity to build new partnerships. He explained that TRENDS Global is working to activate initiatives, communication management, partnerships and marketing.

Mohammed Al Salmi, Head of the Research and Advisory Sector at Trends Research and Advisory, said that the Cairo Virtual Office falls in line with the spirit of contemporary technologies and the speed of modern communication, means. The Office shall act as a window and a link with a number of regional think tanks. Al Salmi added that the offices of Rabat, Cairo and Dubai shall support the head office in Abu Dhabi with experts and researchers. It is an effective link with think tanks in the African continent where training and advisory will have the lion's share.

Dr. Fattouh Heikal, the scientific advisor to “Trends,” described the virtual Morocco office as the latest research arm through which “Trends” seeks to achieve its global vision. He said the Rabat and Cairo offices represent a link to two regions that have become the focus of the world’s attention.

He said that the expansion of TRENDS research scope highlighted the need for external offices to support the achievement of the Center’s ambitious plans, while reflecting the diversity of cultures in the Center’s programs.

Dr. Fattouh indicated that external offices would achieve several goals for TRENDS Research and Advisory, most notably expanding its global outreach, diversifying the scientific cultures and environments with which TRENDS deals. TRENDS shall increase and diversify its research base, strengthen external partnerships and allocate new financial resources for the Center through revenues from external offices. These offices shall conduct research and scientific consultations in the various fields and facilitate external events and conferences.

The Director of Trends Office in Morocco, Mr. Montaser Hamada, a specialized researcher in political and strategic affairs, said that the idea of the office revolves around the global orientation of Trends. He indicated that the center deals with events, crises, challenges and orientalist visions.

He stressed that the Morocco office will play a key role as a link between think tanks in Africa as well as between European Research intuitions and Trends Research and Advisory. The office shall deliver training and advisory services through international experts.

Mr. Khaled Idrissi, a member of Morocco's virtual office, said that the office will be the window of TRENDS in Africa and French-speaking countries. The office shall open channels of cooperation with similar research institutions in France and a number of Latin American countries. He stressed that new topics and multiple partnerships will be delivered to enhance Trends research role.  

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