
Trends Research and Advisory releases a Study on Africa’s Climate Action Challenges


 Trends Research and Advisory has released a new study entitled "COP28 and the Africa’s Challenges in Climate Action." The study explores global, regional and continental efforts to confront and adapt to the repercussions of climate change. It identifies the main challenges facing climate action in Africa, and explain the African targets in COP28 climate summit, held in the United Arab Emirates.

The study indicates that the African continent is one of the world’s regions most affected by climate change and its economic, social and political repercussions. Although their contribution to emissions has been minimal over the past years, they are already exposed to the effects of climate change, such as rising temperatures, changing rainfall patterns, and rising sea levels.

The study identifies a range of challenges facing climate action in Africa, including financing. It showed that funding for climate action in Africa remains at minimum, limiting climate change adaptation and emissions reduction efforts.

Challenges include institutional capacity, where African countries face challenges in building the institutional capacity needed to implement climate change policies, as well as governance issues. The study stressed the need to strengthen climate change governance in Africa, including strengthening community participation in decision-making.

The study concluded that despite international efforts in climate action over the past years, these efforts still need a strong push to shift to practical implementation steps that lead to tangible reforms in the transition to a green economy.

The study is part of a series of studies prepared by Trends Research and Advisory on climate change, which address various aspects of the issue, including international policies, regional efforts, and challenges facing developing countries.

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