
The Center wraps up its participation in the first annual forum of Arab think tanks, and presented a set of its publications to the League of Arab States


Trends Research and Advisory wrapped up its participation in the first annual forum of Arab think tanks, organized by the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States in Cairo. The forum was held over two days under the slogan "With thought, we achieve sustainable development." A group of 48 Arab think tanks and academic institutions participated in this forum. Trends showcased its rich and unique scientific and research experience as a model for modern think tanks.

In the closing session, Trends presented a collection of its scientific, research and knowledge publications, which were issued in several languages to the library of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States. Trends Research and Advisory also submitted a proposal to the General Secretariat of the League to host and organize the second edition of the annual forum of Arab think tanks in the UAE next year.  This gesture stresses the significance of reaching a unified strategy, goals and visions that guide Arab think tanks and promote joint research work.

Distinguished Pavilion

Trends Research and Advisory ran a distinguished pavilion in the exhibition which was organized on the sidelines of the forum. Trends’ pavilion attracted a large group of academics, researchers and intellectuals who participated in the forum. Dr. Alaa Al-Tamimi, Director of the Research and Strategic Studies Department at the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States, visited the pavilion and praised Trends' global research orientation and qualitative research publications. Sami Ben Jannat, Director General of the Tunisian Institute for Strategic Studies, appreciated Trends' pivotal role in promoting intellectual and knowledge exchange between research centers, and praised the center's research orientation and ideas at the first annual forum of Arab think tanks.

The pavilion was also visited by Dr. Mohamed Fayez Farhat, Director of Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, Brigadier General Dr. Khaled Okasha, Director General of the Egyptian Center for Strategic Studies and Thought, Ali Saleh Moussa, Deputy Representative of the Republic of Yemen to the League of Arab States, Dr. Iman Rafiq, from the Royal Institute for Strategic Studies in Morocco, and Luna Abu Sweireh, Director General of the Center for Arab Unity Studies in Beirut, where they praised the accurate and objective content of the Trends’ scientific and research publications.

Building bridges of cooperation

Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of Trends Research and Advisory, said that the Center has submitted a proposal to the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States to host and organize the second edition of the annual forum of think tanks in the Arab countries, in the UAE. This request represents a Trends’ contribution to open new horizons of exchange between various regional think tanks.

Dr. Al-Ali said that this proposal shall build more bridges of cooperation, trust and effective partnership between research institutions, and promote mechanisms for joint scientific and knowledge transfer. Moreover, the move emphasizes the significance of think tanks and their ability to support decision-makers with sound scientific studies.


Unifying visions

Dr. Al-Ali explained that the first annual forum of Arab think tanks witnessed many constructive ideas that that help achieve competitive standards with Western think tanks. This shall be delivered through the unification of visions, ideas and joint work that serves the noble mission of scientific research in the Arab world.

Dr. Al-Ali stressed that think tanks at the regional and international levels urgently need to enhance coordination and cooperation in articulating ideas, solutions and approaches that address the current and future challenges surrounding the world and the Arab region.

He indicated that the first annual forum of Arab think tanks was exposed to these challenges, and sought to find effective solutions through extensive discussion held over two days, which developed shared visions and insights between Arab think tanks.


200 Assorted Editions

Rawdha Al Marzouqi, Director of Distribution and Exhibitions Department at Trends Research and Advisory indicated that Trends’ pavilion, which was held at the exhibition organized on the sideline of the first annual forum of Arab think tanks, featured more than 200 publications. The pavilion attracted a wide range of directors of institutions and research centers participating in the forum. The visitors appreciated the qualitative content of the Trends’ publications, research and studies. They praised the Trends’ strategy of openness to regional and international think tanks.

Rawdha AlMarzouqi indicated that Trends supported the library of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States with a set of its main publications that address several economic, strategic, technological, security and political issues. She added that Trends' participation in the exhibition reflects a strong belief in the significance of culture and knowledge in spreading the values of peace and of tolerance and human fraternity. It also introduces the center's scientific and research publications, enhances cooperation and knowlede exchange, and bridge divergent views and between various Arab think tanks that participated in the forum.

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