
Trends Research and Advisory concludes 2023 with an active global engagement


Trends Research and Advisory received the prestigious Emirates Award for Leadership in the Labor Market and the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair Award for Sustainability in 2023. Trends has made many exceptional achievements during the year 2023. The Center has achieved a Guinness World Record award, and continued its research and knowledge march with a confident and steady pace towards the future. Trends is pursuing a long-term strategy, with the slogan of "Investing in Youth is an Investment in the Future" to enhance its position as a leading and independent research center regionally and globally. Indeed, Trends Research and Advisory has delivered sound research product that enhances the capabilities of young researchers. The Center publishes Knowledge products, supports the community and has a staff of capable specialists and academics who conduct balanced research and analyze various current regional and global issues.

Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of Trends Research and Advisory, said in a statement on the occasion of the announcement of the 2023 harvest of the center: "Trends has been able to leave it unique knowledge imprint and position itself as an influential global intellectual reference. It contributed effectively to research and studies, and delivered tailored training programs that refine skills. The Center provided scientific advice that monitor potential international risks and challenges, and developed visions and perceptions that gave sound solutions based on proper understanding of all the variables."

Dr. Al-Ali Added that Trends enters the new year 2024 with much confidence and confirms that 2023 was full of excellence in total output. The Center was able to reach the goals of Emiratization and empower youth in the research and other professional fields. Trends has positioned itself through its activities, participations, partnerships and active engagement globally. It became a model for everyone looking for excellence and innovation which is based on objective research with global orientation.

Dr. Mohammed Al-Ali stressed that the Center's harvest for 2023 was immense, diverse and encouraging. Trends has achieved its goals with high efficiency, and even exceeded the goals set by a high percentage. It has active offices in Dubai, Cairo and Rabat and they expand its global outreach and facilitate communication with research and think tanks across the world. Dr. Al-Ali elaborated on this aspect and said: "This success boosts our determination to anticipate the future and participate in its making through genuine research and knowledge products that keeps abreast with emerging events, analyzing emerging issues, and delivering effective solutions."

He explained that this success has raised the bar of our ambition to enhance the role of Trends as a knowledge hub during the upcoming year. In fact, we have developed a research, training, advisory plan that includes many new ideas and initiatives, which enhance the global intellectual role of Trends. This plan will be announced soon.

Dr. Al-Ali said that TRENDS won the Emirates Award for Leadership in the Labor Market in its first session, won the Sustainability Award, achieved Guinness World Records, obtained the ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS) certification, won the Best Global Pavilion Award at the Nairobi International Book Fair 2023, and ranked among the top ten think tanks in the global classification of research and think tanks. Furthermore, Trends’ studies have been topping the international research and intellectual publication output. The CEO of Trends Research and Advisory has been designated as a member of the Advisory Board of Emirates Academy for Identity and Citizenship, and a member of the research group at the University of Sharjah. These moves came in recognition of Trends' pioneering research role. The expanding outreach of Trends Research and Advisory reflects its prestigious position among global research centers and think tanks, and confirms the correct vision of the Center as an influential global intellectual reference.

On this occasion, Dr. Al-Ali expressed his appreciation for the efforts of the Trends family in sectors, departments and individuals, affiliate bodies, and supporting partners, media, experts and consultants. Dr. Al-Ali renewed the pledge that Trends will remain a global research hub that seeks excellence and work for the dissemination of meaningful knowledge.

Exceptional achievements in 2023

Trends Research and Advisory announced its exceptional achievements in 2023. The Center has actively contributed to research and studies output that explored international risks and challenges. It has indeed trained and empowered future leaders with the appropriate tools. Trends was also strongly present in global events, such as the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28), which was hosted by the United Arab Emirates from November 30 to December 12 at Expo City Dubai. The Center organized about 15 practical and knowledge events with the participation of ministers and high-ranking officials. Those activities aimed at promoting sustainability concepts and raising environmental awareness, as well as delivering scientific and practical solutions to combat the effects of climate change. Believing in the message of art and its role in promoting climate awareness, Trends launched at the Sustainability Corner in the Green Zone of COP28 an artwork called "Transcendence", which mixes awareness and creativity, and addresses minds on climate, environment and sustainability issues.

279 studies and research papers

The 2023 Harvest report stated that Trends Research and Advisory has contributed effectively to research and studies that explore international risks and challenges. The Center has issued 213 studies and research papers, published 14 original books, and 19 translated books. Moreover, Trends has translated a est of Muslim Brotherhood encyclopedia books into 16 languages. The Center issued 33 issues of economic and strategic series, political papers and Trends lectures.

In the field of research and publications, TRENDS has followed the warm up for the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) throughout the year 2023. This was delivered through many discussion panel and conferences attended by the relevant officials, including ministers. Trends has organized the third annual conference, in cooperation with the Atlantic Council, entitled: "Sustainable Security... The soft and hard effects of climate action." The event witnessed the participation of about 20 political experts, academics, researchers and specialists in environment, climate and security issues from different parts of the world. Trends devoted most of its publications to the event and launched a set of relevant books. They included a book in English entitled: "Climate Change and Transboundary Challenges in the Middle East and Africa." Conducted by 17 international experts. The book includes 11 studies that focused on studying the possible path of climate change and future scenarios. Another book was on “The Road to COP28” and a book on “Future Cities: The Road to a Sustainable Urban Life. Trends released a book on “Mangroves and their role in adaptation and mitigation of the effects of climate change.” As well as other books. Furthermore, the Center Pavilion displayed research papers and studies such as the role of the United Nations in climate change issues, the role of the media in global awareness of climate change issues, climate diplomacy and international cooperation, and harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence in the fight against climate change. Other papers covered climate change and the the role of armies in repositioning conflicts, and a paper entitled “In the Shadows of COP28: Diplomacy - The Green Parallel and Climate Change.” and a study of the relationship between climate change and terrorism.

TRENDS also issued 345 press releases in Arabic and about 300 others in English. Trends researchers participated in more than 20 live interviews and media coverage in local and international media outlets.

A reference in the studies of political Islam movements

The report pointed out that Trends Research and Advisory has become an international reference in studying and analyzing the reality and future of political Islam groups and ways to confront them. The center has issued 3 issues of the "Muslim Brotherhood Power Index" series. Trends issued a regularly updated   encyclopedia on the Muslim Brotherhood consisting of 35 books, of which 10 books have been issued so far. Some of these books have been translated into 15 languages, in addition to other studies dealing with various dimensions of this group. Trends has organized lectures and seminars that expose the false ideas of these movements and the danger of political Islam groups in general.

343 articles and 31 opinion polls

The report added that during 2023, Trends has published more than 343 articles within the UAE and beyond, covering various fields of knowledge to support interested researchers, decision-makers, and general readers. These studies provided valuable insights on many current developments based on an integrated and accurate research methodology.

TRENDS' Global Barometer, which conducts public opinion polls on the most important issues and developments in various fields, delivered 31 field and online surveys, for Trends Research and Advisory and other entities.

111 seminars, panel discussions and dialogues

The report indicated that Trends conducted studies and organized events on informing the international public opinion. The Center organized more than 41 conferences and seminars, regionally and internationally, and participated in 37 external seminars and seminars. Trends held two general conferences, organized 24 dialogues, briefings and other events. Local, regional and international ministers, officials and intellectuals and academics participated in these events.

33 Training Courses

In the field of training and empowering future leaders with the appropriate tools, the Center organized a program to prepare national researchers.

Trends delivered more than 33 specialized training courses, and launched several targeted initiatives and training programs, the most important of which is the initiative launched by the Training and Development Department to support national trainers and trainees. The Training department is a specialized tributary in planning and implementation of training in various fields of specialization. The aim is to prepare a new generation of young leaders, in line with Trends' vision for the future and active participation in making it.

Trends released 39 research or proposed studies, in addition to 319 reports and special studies on various aspects, under the supervision of the Research and Advisory Sector - Research Departments - and the Global Sector. The plans were updated and data were presented to these entities to improve their output and consider further development.

19 Book Fairs Participations 

In 2023, Trends enhanced its presence in the most prominent international book fairs. The Center participated in book fairs organized in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and Al Dhafra, London, Sharjah, Istanbul, Frankfurt, Riyadh, Seoul, and Nairobi. Trends won the best global pavilion award. The Center organized several lectures and events on the sidelines of its participation in these exhibitions. Trends facilitated access to its diverse publications and research products through dozens of the local, regional, and international outlets. The Center participated with special pavilions on the sidelines of many international conferences. Most notably, COP28, the World Media Congress, the Peace Conference, the sixteenth session of the International Defense Exhibition (IDEX 2023), the seventh edition of the Maritime Defense and Security Exhibition (NAVDEX 2023), and the accompanying conference, and the Manama Dialogue, in addition to similar external participations.

TRENDS International Offices are a Gateway to the World

Within the framework of expanding its regional outreach, and achieve the objectives of its strategic plan, as a global knowledge bridge, and become a link between regional and international think tanks, Trends inaugurated its offices in Cairo, and Rabat in 2023. The new office extensions complete the march of the Dubai office, which was launched last year. This network is part of a plan that includes 5 TRENDS offices around the world, that support the headquarters in Abu Dhabi with research, studies and scientific reports. The offices shall explore opportunities for scientific partnerships with the relevant bodies, institutions, think tanks and universities in both Egypt and Morocco. These offices shall serve Arab and global strategic aims, and help in communication with Arab, African, and European scientific community, given the civilizational and cultural weight of both Egypt and Morocco.


Trends' activities during 2023 were marked by the launch of its global tours, which included Kenya, Ethiopia and the Arab Republic of Egypt in Africa, as well as an Asian tour that included Japan and Singapore. The tours aimed at promoting scientific research and building new partnerships that confirm the global outlook of the Center. In Fact, Trends sought to deliver its research output to a wider audience.  During the two tours, several research partnerships were signed that enhance research work with the most prominent research institutions in those countries.


40 new partnerships, 33 in progress

Trends Research and Advisory expanded its global research outreach, and moved from initial cooperation with many prestigious intellectual and research institutions in various continents of the world to concluding partnerships with them. In 2023, more than 40 agreements and memoranda of understanding were concluded with many centers, institutions, bodies and media outlets. Trends excelled in using such partnerships to enrich its conferences, seminars and research products. The Center has ongoing dialogue with 33 other entities and institutions for more partnership agreements. These partnerships have included think tanks in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Russia, America and others. Trends had numerous participations on several issues with these research institution. Trends has stressed its keenness to build bridges of communication, provide opportunities for researchers of different backgrounds to meet and exchange their distinctive cultures and diversity of opinions. Such events help these institutions discuss and cooperate in determining the effective tracks for countries on various issues, and help in the creation of creative and innovative ideas to deal with crises and challenges facing the world.  The research events help us in exploring the future, and contribute to its well-planned making. Trends also received more than 300 scientific, diplomatic and intellectual figures, and organized panel discussions with their researchers. Such events were marked by interactive learning about the nature of work, cooperation and opening new horizons.

Media Sector and platforms that keep abreast with the latest developments

Trends has set out to reach all segments of society through various means. The media sector has been developed and provided with the Media Communication Office, the Trends Smart Lab, the development of social media platforms, and the documentation of its accounts. The Center has launched a set of scientific initiatives and updated electronic platforms. The "Trends Grand Conference Hall", in the new expansion of its headquarters in Abu Dhabi, is a new addition that promotes conference and media work. The Center also launched its smart application (Trends Up), the TRENDS Podcast, the Trends electronic and traditional library, the TRENDS platform and award for scientific research, and its website in a new format.  Trends has innovative modern designs, simulating modernity, and blending modern technologies and artificial intelligence tools with research expertise, and the unlimited ambition of Emirati youth. The "WhatsApp Knowledge" platform, which has many followers and appreciation, has also been expanded, and the number of its followers has so far reached more than two million people. The App has released 2143 videos, and 5168 knowledge publications dealing with several topics. Through its researchers and smart laboratory, it also produced 777 periodicals.

38 Episodes Podcast

In 2023, Trends Research and Advisory launched the "Trends Podcast" service to enhance its activities, keep abreast with its global research role, and achieve its strategic goals in accordance with the vision of continuous development. The Trends Podcast is a new service that gives research a voice that reaches a global audience, with the aim of making Trends' voice heard.  To date, 38 episodes have been produced focusing on the climate theme at COP28 and on media at the World Media Congress. The Podcast hosted panel discussions featuring renowned experts and specialists who discussed a number of relevant issues.

Continuous development

Trends ninth anniversary, saw the launching of its Scientific and Academic Council, which includes a group of distinguished academics, professional leaders, and representatives of many local and international research and academic institutions. The Center has also launched several initiatives covering various aspects of administrative and research work, most notably the Trends Youth Council and the Research Hub Award. Trends has launched the "Research Content Creators" initiative, which includes 10 researchers, half of whom are female. This initiative will provide special platforms for members in order to expand the scope of scientific research. The Center enhanced its research processes through the AI-powered Echo Smart Employee and Chat GPT, providing recommendations, translations, verifications and proposals for various research and studies. Trends launched a new knowledge series entitled "In Brief" and the "Trends Hub Award for Scientific Research".




Ready for the future


The administrative field is the backbone of Trends work and its gate to success. The strategic plan for the human resources sector has placed Emiratis at the top of its priorities. This year the Center achieved the goals of Emiratization, and won the Emirates Award for Leadership in the Labor Market in the category of readiness for the future in recognition of its efforts, adoption and empowerment of youth. The work environment is healthy and cooperative in all its aspects. Trends classification was raised to the diamond category in the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization.

The center also worked on developing and updating the organizational structure to suit the desired and specific goals. The new structure raises performance, improves the work environment and increase employee happiness. The system applyies governance policies and performance reports periodically, in a way that confirms the institutional nature of Trends and enables it to proceed with achieving its goals with confident steps.



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