
TRENDS Study on the Future of The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons


Trends Research and Advisory has released a new study entitled "The Future of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Light of the Second Meeting of the States Parties", which examines the results of the Second Meeting of the States Parties to the Treaty, which was held in New York recently.

The study indicated that the future of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is in danger, due to the continued escalation of tension between the major nuclear powers, the failure of some countries to comply with the terms of the treaty, and the continued pursuit of nuclear weapons by some countries.

The study stressed that nuclear weapons represent an existential threat to humanity, and their elimination is the only way to protect the world from the destructive threat of nuclear war. The study explained that there are three possible scenarios for the future of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

The first scenario calls for keeping the status-quo, with the States parties to the Treaty continuing to make efforts to achieve its goals, but without achieving tangible progress. The second scenario is the failure of the agreement and the withdrawal of countries from it, due to the continued tension between the major nuclear powers and the pursuit of some countries to acquire nuclear weapons. The third is the expansion of States' adherence to the Treaty, owing to the support of the five recognized nuclear Powers for arms control and arms reduction efforts.

The study concluded that the first scenario is likely to be the closest to reality, due to the process of transformation of the international system and the United States seeking to exert more pressure on China to limit its nuclear program.

The study called for urgent action to strengthen the positive prospects of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons by promoting dialogue among the major nuclear powers and reducing tension. The States Parties must ensure that all countries adhere to the objectives of the Treaty, and prevent the proliferation of nuclear    weapons. There is a need to support all international efforts aimed at establishing a world free of nuclear weapons and achieve nuclear disarmament. 

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