
TRENDS Robot (ECHO) explains and answers visitors’ queries Live dialogues, panel discussions and research partnerships



TRENDS Research and Advisory will participate in the thirty-second session of Abu Dhabi International Book Fair 2023. The event will be held during May 22 -28, 2023 at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC). Many publishing houses and book makers from about 80 countries will attend the event. It is considered one of the most important and prominent book fairs in the Arab world and beyond.


TRENDS will display dozens of publications, ranging from original and translated books and a set of scientific series at its pavilion No. 05 located in the tenth hall of the exhibition premises. They include: “Strategic Trends” series, “Economic Trends”, “Political Islam Trends”, “Policy Papers”, “Lecture Papers” series, and others.


Dr. Mohammad Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of TRENDS, said that the center’s participation in the exhibition falls within the context of its keenness to attend international cultural forums. The Abu Dhabi International Book Fair has become an important annual global platform and an opportunity to interact with intellectuals, publishers and authors. He indicated that the exhibition is an important forum where TRENDS publications and research work shall be introduced to the public. Book Fairs are the most convenient avenues for disseminating cultural messages, secure transfer of knowledge and envision the future of our world.


Dr. Al-Ali reiterated that the exhibition hosts the prominent publishers, intellectuals, writers and knowledge producers. Scholars, intellectuals, and cultural appearances shall come to celebrate this unique event. This confirms the interrelated roles of publishing, literal and scientific output on one hand, and think tanks as hubs of insightful thought on the other.


Dr. Al-Ali indicated that TRENDS participation in Abu Dhabi Book Fair reflects its vision and global orientation. The Center is constantly opening up new mutual relations with various cultural, intellectual and research institutions in the region and beyond. TRENDS center strives to promote cooperation and partnership with these institutions and forums in areas of serious scientific research. In so doing, the Center contributes to the spread of sound knowledge that creates the future, confront deviant thought and denounce hate speech. The ultimate objective is to spread the values of goodness, promote peace, coexistence and tolerance.


Dr. Al Ali announced that “TRENDS” will organize, on the sidelines of the exhibition’s activities, events to sign some of its new publications. The Center will hold dialogue sessions, seminars and panel discussions on current issues, with the participation of distinguished thinkers, researchers and media professionals.


Rawda Al Marzouqi, Director of Marketing and Exhibitions Department at TRENDS said that the center will participate in the 32nd edition of the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair. It will display a list of valuable books that include dozens of qualitative publications covering a wide range of regional and global issues. The diverse publications feature subjects such as political Islam movements, technology and artificial intelligence, tolerance and coexistence, economic development, environment and sustainable development. She explained that TRENDS publications are known for their trusted credibility, objectivity, and have become a reliable reference for researchers, scholars and academics in the region and beyond.

Al Marzouqi indicated that TRENDS artificial robot (Echo) will be present at the exhibition, providing information, explaining and answering queries of the pavilion visiting audience.


El-Yazia Al-Hosani, Director of Media Department at TRENDS, said that the Center’s participation in Abu Dhabi International Book Fair and its activities will be followed with live media coverage on Trends’ social media accounts.

The coverage will be carried through news and videos supervised and prepared by a specialized team of professional staff. El-Yazia said that all preparations have been completed to accomplish this effective participation in one of the most notable of global cultural events. She said that TRENDS will harness the latest media technologies for this purpose.


It is worth mentioning that Turkey shall be the ‘Guest of Honour’ at this year’s event. The Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre chose the famous Arab philosopher Ibn Khaldun as the ‘Personality of the Year’ for this session of the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair. The choice came in appreciation for this distinguished Arab author, whose great literal contributions contributed to the history of Arab culture and science.


















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