
TRENDS study on Chinese strategy over two decades


Trends Research and Advisory has released a study entitled "Reading of the Chinese Strategy in Two Decades", which examines the evolution of Chinese strategy from the turn of the millennium to the present day. The study explores and provides an analysis of how China's strategic outlook has evolved, the driving forces behind these changes, and their impact on regional and global dynamics.

China has made unprecedented progress over the past two decades, especially in the economic field. China has moved from a position of relative isolation and regional focus, and emerged as a global player with a multilateral approach, adapting to achieve its national interests.

This transition is driven by a combination of economic growth, technological advancement, and carefully considered foreign policy. The study indicated that China's rise as an economic power has enabled it to pursue a strategy of economic governance, using its economic power to influence the behavior of other countries.

Through initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative, China has expanded its economic footprint around the world, forged new trade and investment ties, and increased its influence in international financial institutions.

In the technological field, China has also made great strides, especially in artificial intelligence and space exploration, explaining that these developments strengthened China's domestic capabilities and provided the necessary tools to project power and influence others.

The study concluded that the Chinese strategy is characterized by the ability to adapt and change, and that it seeks to achieve its national goals through a combination of economic, political and military means. The study stressed that the rise of China as a global power is an important challenge to the existing world order, and that other countries need to understand China's strategy and goals, in order to deal with it effectively.

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