
Trends Research and Advisory Launches its Strategic Plan for 2024 and Unveils New Logo


Trends Research and Advisory launched its strategic plan for 2024, which emphasizes universality and readiness for the future. The plan promotes scientific research through multiple tracks. The Center revealed its new logo which emphasizes continuity, integration, development, modernity, readiness, and universality.

The announcement came in a press conference held by the Center in the Grand Hall at its headquarters in Abu Dhabi. Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of Trends Research and Advisory, attended the event beside heads of sectors, directors of departments, consultants, heads of sections and a group of researchers and media professionals. Trends strategic plan for the year 2024 was reviewed. It includes innovative programs, research, activities and events that keep abreast with the progress of Trends’ global vision. The Center shall contribute effectively to research, studies and consultancy studies that monitor potential international risks and challenges, and develop visions that deliver inclusive solutions.

The Trends plan for 2024 focuses on four main axes: empowering Emirati youth and enhancing their role in the field of scientific research, by launching many innovative and unique initiatives. The plan shall strengthen the role of the Trends Youth Council, and empower young UAE researchers to assume the management of various sectors and departments.

The second axis is to expand the scope of scientific research, by adding new tracks to the current scientific research programs. The plan shall enhance the training programs, ensure sound management of the projects that were launched at the beginning of the year, launch the "Research Content Creators" platform, and add new research programs and initiatives.

The third pillar seeks to strengthen Trends' international presence through its external offices in Cairo, Rabat and Dubai. Trends shall organize more international seminars, conferences and forums, expand partnerships with international research and academic institutions, and open new offices.

The fourth axis, is the media sector, which reflects Trends vision and delivers its voice to the public space. The role of the Media Communication Office will be strengthened, and developed through the introduction of advanced technologies including artificial intelligence, Metaverse and others. These tools shall deliver Trends studies and research regionally and globally, through the Center's platforms and social media accounts. The plan shall upgrade the Trends smart lab, and the integrated Trends studio that was established according to a state-of-the-art digital technology and artificial intelligence. "TRENDS podcast" service shall be enhanced and the Center shall activate the Media partnerships with local, regional and international newspapers, and main stream media outlets. The plan includes the development of Trends website and platforms. This refers in particular to: WhatsApp Knowledge platform, which has become a knowledge platform that attracted the attention of a large number of officials, academics, researchers and university students. Trends shall open channels of communication to embrace the latest developments in the world of digital media.

Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali said that the Trends’ plan for the year 2024 coincides with the tenth anniversary of the Center’s establishment. The Center launched its new logo, which reflects its new corporate identity. He said that the new logo contains symbols that emphasize universality, readiness, continuity, integration, development and modernity.

Dr. Al-Ali added that the new logo reflects our new identity and our readiness to address future challenges. He explained that Trends has come a long way in the past ten years, and is determined to continue its march towards more excellence.

The CEO said that Trends Strategic Plan for 2024 focuses on four main axes, namely empowering young Emiratis, expanding the scope of scientific research, enhancing international outreach, and promting the role of the media. These axes are essential to achieve our goals and mission," he added.

Dr. Al Ali concluded: "We are committed to supporting the process of scientific research and enhancing the position of think tanks locally, regionally and globally.

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