
Trends Study Reviews Opportunities and Challenges in the Gulf Logistics Sector


Trends Research and Advisory released a study in English on the Gulf logistics sector, entitled " GCC Logistics between Reality and Hope: Measuring Progress against New Disruption.” The study aims to assess the progress made by the logistics sector in the face of new disruptions, and to analyze key challenges and opportunities ahead.

The study covers the position of the logistics sector in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, measuring the impact of its development on its position in global trade, highlighting the practices that had been established in the Gulf region, and examining the economic impact of its GDP and its trade volume worldwide.


The study, prepared by the Department of Economic Studies at Trends, indicated that the GCC logistics sector has made significant progress in recent years. The logistics infrastructure in the region has witnessed remarkable growth, and the Arab Gulf countries have become an important regional hub for transport and trade.

Despite this progress, the GCC logistics sector faces a number of challenges, including the need to adopt digital technology, address disruptions in supply chains, and promote sustainable practices.

The study showed that the Arabian Gulf region has many opportunities that can help it become a global logistics hub, including its distinguished geographical location, advanced logistics infrastructure, and government investments in the sector.

The study recommended a number of measures to strengthen the Gulf logistics sector, including the need for Gulf countries to invest in digital technology, develop risk management strategies, promote sustainable practices, and enhance cooperation between the public and private sectors to encourage innovation and improve the efficiency of the logistics sector.



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