
Trends and Russian PIR Research Center Held Panel discussion


Trends Research and the Russian PIR Research Center held a panel discussion on the topic of "Nuclear non-proliferation: current problems and future prospects." The panel discussion was held in implementation of the partnership between Trends Research and Advisory and the Russian PIR Research Center.

The discussion was attended by experts and academics from the two centers. They included Dr. Valdimir Orlov, co-founder of PIR Center in Russia, Ms. Elena Karnaukhova, Deputy Director of the Education and Training Program at the PIR Center, and Gina Boserhal, researcher at TRENDS. The panel was moderated by Sultan AlAli, researcher and director of the Global Barometer Department at Trends Research and Advisory. 

The session addressed a number of important issues related to nuclear non-proliferation, including challenges facing international efforts to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons, such as increasing geopolitical tensions, the proliferation of nuclear technology, nuclear terrorism, and the prospects for nuclear non-proliferation, including the role of nuclear diplomacy, strengthening international cooperation, and developing nuclear security systems.

The Speakers stressed the importance of strengthening international efforts to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons as a fundamental global security issue.

In his presentation to the symposium, Sultan AlAli indicated that the concept of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons is about efforts aimed at preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons and related technology. He said that this concept appeared in the 1970s, with the aim of preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons, promoting the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and seeking nuclear disarmament.

He believed that everyone in the Middle East had extensive knowledge of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and it was clear that there had been a major shift in the dynamics of this issue.

Dr. Valdimir Orlov stressed that from a technological and intellectual point of view, nuclear energy provides the most sustainable solution, as long as it is implemented with full transparency and without using it for military purposes.

He added that we must have a strong transparent vision and strategy. He stressed the need for preparing a group of expert cadres in the field of nuclear energy to ensure the security and sustainability of this energy. He referred to the importance of spreading awareness about all aspects related to nuclear energy, in order to make it more sustainable.

Dr. Orlov stressed the importance of nuclear diplomacy in preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons. He spoke about the need to build confidence among countries, promote dialogue and resolve disputes peacefully.

Elena Karnaukhova discussed the role of education in promoting awareness about the dangers of nuclear processes, and gave a brief account of her experiences at previous NPT Review Conferences. She indicated the differences in atmosphere and the importance of communication between countries.

She said that Russia and the UAE have common ground in their founding agenda. She explained that BRICS countries can enrich the NPT Review Conference with new ideas, and said that the BRICS Plus, and BRICS in general, are a good example of how countries can effectively and constructively help each other, even if they consider themselves competitors.

Gina Bouserhal explained that nuclear terrorism poses a growing threat to global security and highlighted a number of pressing global security issues amid rising fears of a nuclear war the likes of which humanity has not seen since the Cold War decades.

Bouserhal presented shocking statistics and figures that explain why non-proliferation should be at the top of the priorities of the international community. The statistics indicate that there are approximately 13,000 nuclear warheads in the world, and that the number of countries who possess these weapons has reached nine.

Is the logic of nuclear deterrence of the Cold War still valid in today's world? Bouserhal said that some factors that underpinned the logic of nuclear deterrence in the past, such as the relative stability of the international system, have disappeared or weakened today.

She also touched on the driving factors that push States towards the acquisition of nuclear weapons, and indicated that these factors vary from one country to another, but often include security, political and economic factors.

Bouserhal touched on the issue of the withdrawal of some countries from nuclear arms control treaties, and the serious negative repercussions of this move on non-proliferation efforts. She stressed the important role of nuclear non-proliferation treaties in reducing the risk of nuclear conflict and promoting global stability. She referred to the role of artificial intelligence in strengthening arms control and non-proliferation efforts.

The participants expressed their appreciation for the efforts of Trends Research and Advisory for organizing this important panel discussion, which explored this sensitive issue objectively.



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