
Trends updates the «Trends Knowledge» platform to transfer knowledge across multiple channels


Trends Research and Advisory announced an update of the "Trends Knowledge” platform, which reflects its slogan of "Foreseeing the future through knowledge." The update is part of Trends development plans, and shows the Center’s commitment to promote sound knowledge and scientific research in the region and beyond.

This step came as a continuation of Trends Research and Advisory effort to promote knowledge and enhance communication of scientific content. The Knowledge platform reflects the Center’s keenness to develop the tools and means that serve the community of researchers and academics.

The "Trends Knowledge" platform comes via WhatsApp and delivers rich and diverse content in many formats and templates. It conveys reports, studies and book reviews in various fields. The content is delivered through readable and visual format, and meet the needs of researchers and academics for information and analyses.

The platform enhances effective communication between Trends and the community of researchers and academics, and provides an interactive tool for sharing ideas and visions on various issues and challenges. The platform enhances scientific research and provides a reliable knowledge base of information and accurate data, which contributes to foreseeing the future.

Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of Trends Research and Advisory, said, "At TRENDS, we believe that knowledge is the key to progress and development for societies. By adopting the slogan of "Foreseeing the future through knowledge,” which has been the Center’s motto since its establishment, we seek to emphasize our commitment to deliver the best services and products that promote knowledge and develop researchers’ skills to anticipate the future and participate in making it.

Dr. Al-Ali added that the slogan of "Foreseeing the future through knowledge." Will be depicted on all Trends platforms, events and participation venues in book fairs, conferences and other local, regional and international forums. It reflects the essence of Trends forward-looking knowledge output and research. Dr. Al-Ali called on researchers to follow up on Trends research efforts and interact with its diverse activities and events.

Ms. Al-Yazia Al-Hosani, Director of the Media Communication Office at TRENDS, said that the development of the Trends knowledge platform shall streamline the transfer of knowledge through multiple flexible templates to promote the dissemination of scientific research among various segments of society. This will encourage young men and women to engage in various fields of knowledge. She indicated that the slogan "Foreseeing the Future" confirms Trends' commitment as a world-class research center to provide the tools and resources for those willing to embark on the quest for knowledge.

Ms. Shamma Al Kaabi, Director of Trends Smart Lab, stressed the importance of promoting and disseminating the Center's research mission. She said that Trends Smart Lab is keen to translate this slogan into attractive creative designs that support the Center's knowledge efforts and encourage engagement in the knowledge journey. She added that the role of Trends Smart Lab is not limited to design only. In fact, the Lab develops innovative knowledge tools that allow easy access to information through the use of the latest smart technologies, such as artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, to create an interactive and unique cognitive experience.

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