
Khalifa University’s International and Civil Security Institute Students Learn About Trends Research Experience


Trends Research and Advisory hosted a group of students from The Institute of International and Civil Security (IICS) at Khalifa University. The students joined a panel discussion as part of enhancing cooperation between the two parties in the fields of scientific research and academic work.

The discussion focused on the importance of scientific research in exploring events, foreseeing their future, and developing visions that address emerging developments. The event serves the objective of integrating the roles of research centers and academic institutions to enhance youth empowerment.

A group of Trends researchers and experts contributed to the discussion. They delivered an overview of the center vision and mission, its objectives and activities. They discussed the most important challenges facing the world at the present time. The students were also briefed on the role of scientific research in addressing these challenges.

The students showed great interest in these topics. They raised many questions about how to link scientific research to academic work, and ways to enhance the role of youth in this field.

The students expressed deep appreciation for Trends invitation and stressed how this panel discussion has enhanced their understanding of world events.

The two parties agreed on the importance of continuing communication and cooperation, through more joint events, and exchanging experiences in the field of scientific research.

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