
TRENDS and Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Sharjah Discuss Prospects for Research Cooperation



TRENDS Research and Advisory Center, in partnership with the Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Sharjah, discussed prospects for joint cooperation and ways to build bridges of scientific research and knowledge between the two sides. The agreement was signed in order to conduct research and cooperate in common areas of interest. Moreover, the two sides discussed mechanisms of cooperation in research, training and development programs that enhance the capabilities of both parties.

The meeting was held through Zoom application, between the delegation of TRENDS Center, headed by Dr. Muhammad Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of the TRENDS Center, and the delegation of the Research Institute, headed by Professor Fakir AL Gharaibeh - Director of Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Sharjah. The audience was attended by Dr. Noura Al-Karbi, Assistant Professor at the University of Sharjah, as well as heads of sectors, department directors and officials of both parties.

Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali stressed that cooperation between research and academic institutions, government and private entities, has always been effective in promoting research work. It delivers balanced knowledge output that serves the community and researchers alike. It helps in anticipating events and contribute to making them. Dr. Al-Ali praised the role of the University of Sharjah and its Research Institute in achieving educational and academic excellence and promoting scientific research.


Dr. Al-Ali also expressed his appreciation for being chosen as a member of the research group at the University of Sharjah.  He said that leaves him with the responsibility to ensure and deliver reliable research.

Dr. Al-Ali gave an overview of the nature of TRENDS' work, its research and scientific activities. He briefed the audience about the TRENDS’ training courses, opinion polls and scientific publications. He said that TRENDS publications include books, research papers and specialized series. He explaining that the Center, despite its global outlook, is opened to various peer institutions. It strives to strengthen cooperation with these institutions and share issues of common interest. Dr. Al-Ali stressed that TRENDS Center is keen to extend its research, advisory and training expertise to these institutions. TRENDS Research and Advisory has a strong belief in its mission, and is aware of the significance of delivery research output that serve the objectives of community development. The Center will harness its research activities to assist the interested agencies in facing various challenges and solving issues.

Prof. Al-Gharaibeh, Director of the Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Sharjah, gave an overview of the nature of the Institute's work and interests. He praised TRENDS' research efforts and its vital role in keeping abreast with regional and international developments. He appreciated TRENDS Center’s effort in envisioning the future. Prof. Al-Gharaibeh praised the Center's interest in empowering young researchers. He appreciated TRENDS role training and developing the skills of young researchers. Prof. Al-Gharaibeh lauded quality of TRENDS’ research publications. He said they are characterized by objectivity and depth of content. Dr. Al-Gharaibeh stressed the Research Institute's keenness to cooperate with TRENDS Center, in order to achieve the strategic objectives of both parties through joint cooperation and partnership. He indicated that the two sides agreed to continue communication to serve their strategic goals and deliver comprehensive knowledge output.


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