
TRENDS Issues bi-annual Report Delivers insightful global research achievements Emphasis on the role of youth, Emiratisation, training and consulting



TRENDS Research and Advisory Center continues its remarkable achievements and confirms its pioneering research and knowledge drive towards the future. These achievements fall in line with the 2023 strategy of "Investing in Youth is an Investment in the Future". The strategy enhances the Center’s position as a leading, independent and effective research institution at the local, regional and global levels. TRENDS has proven record of delivering solid research output that enhances the capabilities of young researchers, spreads knowledge and supports society. Professional and academics conduct balanced research with credible visions that analyze current regional and global issues.

Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of TRENDS Research and Advisory, issued a statement on the occasion of the release of the TRENDS’ bi-annual report for 2023. He said that TRENDS has confirmed its global outlook and research vision through platforms in several countries during this period, from January 1 to June 31, 2023. The Center became a trusted knowledge hub and an influential global intellectual reference. TRENDS has contributed effectively to research and studies and provided sound consultancy that monitors potential international risks and challenges. The Center has developed visions that deliver solutions and explore variables.

Dr. Al-Ali added that TRENDS enters the second half of 2023, proudly confirming that it has been able to achieve the Emiratization targets by more than 45%. Most of TRENDS Center’s researchers and staff are young researchers who were able to prove their abilities within a short period of time. They contributed effectively to the qualitative studies and research activities that transcended the UAE through major global platforms.


Dr. Al-Ali added that TRENDS exceeded its goals and made distinguished achievements that asserted the Center's position, active presence and global outreach through research activities, participations and partnerships. The Center has become a platform that attracts global researchers who look for excellence and innovation.

The CEO of TRENDS stressed that the output of the past six months was abundant and diverse. In fact, TRENDS has achieved its goals with high efficiency, and even exceeded the target in a number of its axes. Dr. Al-Ali said: «This success increases our determination to continue working to anticipate the future and participate in making it through genuine research and knowledge output that keeps pace with emerging events and issues. TRENDS will deliver effective and applicable solutions».

110 studies and research papers

TRENDS has achieved its stated goal of contributing effectively to research and studies. It explored international risks and challenges. During the first half of 2023, the Center has issued more than 110 studies and research papers that analyzed international issues and emerging developments in the Gulf region, the Arab world and international issues that covered variable subjects. Target achievement has reached 275%, and included books and studies in Arabic and English. These titles were delivered by a group of researchers, experts and specialists. They covered the important strategic issues that serve the development of human societies and enhance their security and welfare.

During the past six months, (6) issues of the "Economic Trends" series were published. TRENDS released (8) issues of the "Strategic Directions" series and published, (6) issues of the "Trends on Political Islam" series. The Center has also released (8) issues of the "Political Papers" series. It published six books as well as translated titles delivered at percentages that exceeded the approved target.



During the first half of 2023, TRENDS also organized a series of lectures, issued a number of bulletins and periodical reports. Moreover, TRENDS Center conducted 10 opinion polls, six of which were done online while 4 were done in the field.

TRENDS has published 117 press articles, (171) press releases from January to June 30, 2023, all of which were published in local, Arab and international Arab press, foreign newspapers and other magazines. These writings covered various branches of knowledge and embodied visions and insights that supported readers. They delivered sound views on many current issues usingan integrated and accurate research methodology.

As part of the Trends’ goals to enhance international public awareness about Middle East issues, 15 symposia and panel discussions were organized. They covered several topics in political, economic, scientific fields, artificial intelligence, media, and interfaith dialogue.


Trends Center has long since recognized the danger of political Islam movements, especially the Muslim Brotherhood and its lethal ideology.  Many of Trends studies focused on the Political Islam Program and were given special priority. So far, three books have been published as part of the Muslim Brotherhood Encyclopedia. This exclusive research project will include 35 books that analyze the group’s ideology, reveal its mysteries in a documented and objective manner, using written and audio evidence. Three books of the encyclopedia have been translated into multiple languages, and to date, they have reached 16 languages. The index report is issued on a monthly basis.

Innovative training programs

Trends Center for Research and Advisory attaches great importance to training and development. The Center intends to empower future leaders, enrich their vision and equip them with the appropriate tools. In this context, the training sector implement six training programs during the first half of this year. They focused on analysis, scientific research and the preparation of citizen researchers within and outside TRENDS Center.

Trends Center also provided several advisory in various fields of interest. These studies were conducted under the supervision of the Research and Advisory Sector’s research department and the "Global Trends" sector. The recipient entities received the plans and data that improve their work prospects.

Trends Center for Research and Advisory is keen to expand its partnerships. During the first half of this year, the Center signed about 26 agreements and memoranda of understanding with many centers, institutions and media outlets. This in addition to its previous partnerships, bringing the total number to about 195 institutions. To enrich his conferences, seminars and research outputs. These partnerships included think tanks and research centers in Australia, North America, Europe, Africa, East and South Asia, the Middle East and the Gulf states.

Trends participated in eight regional and international book fairs. The Center had done dozens of participations in internal and external events, in which the Center’s researchers presented Trends' research vision, publications and studies. The TRENDS Center officials made tours that included various countries to expand the Center’s outreach.

Emiratization and Youth Empowerment

Trends Center gives special attention to the young Emirati researchers. The Center has a motto of “Investing in youth is an investment in the future”. Trends Center supports and empower this category. It was able to achieve the Emiratization targets by more than 45%, especially in the field of scientific research. Young people represent the pillar of progress and advancement in any society. Trends has reconstituted its "Youth Council" to enhance the role of youth in research and the development of their skills. TRENDS consider youth as the future leaders who shall make major achievements and realize future visions and strategies.

Advanced media tools

Aware of the importance of media in transmitting its research output, Trends Center established the Media Communication Office and the Trends Smart Laboratory. The Center has developed its social media platforms and documented its various accounts. The “WhatsApp Knowledge” platform has also been developed. This tool has become a preferred channel to review the latest inventions and global intellectual production.  It is followed and appreciated by many parties. The center's website has also been developed, and the Smart Trends application has been launched. TRENDS center is one of the first research centers to have its application book mark available in the application stores. Trends has been able to update its platforms and its research output has become available to everyone in both Arabic and English.



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