
In Support of the COP28 TRENDS Center Releases Knowledge Bulletin on Climate Change and Governance


TRENDS Research and Advisory has dedicated this month's Global Knowledge Bulletin to the most important international books in the field of climate change and governance. This move is part of TRENDS Center support for the COP28 summit conference, which shall be hosted by the UAE in November 2023.

The bulletin, which constitutes a knowledge medium that analyzes the most prominent trends in global academia, included a number of books in the field of climate change. The aim is to enhance public awareness and provide an insightful package of knowledge for researchers and those interested in this field.

The second part of the bulletin includes 13 recent books on climate issues, sourced from several schools of thought and published in different languages, focusing on climate action and relevant implications.

These books feature several climate titles, most notably: green finance, climate change control, how to stop climate change, socio-technical systems innovation, human behavior and the important interrelationship between second homes and climate change. Other titles included scientific, environmental, social, political and economic aspects of climate change. The factors that drive climate change, liberalism and the challenge of climate change, Climate Change and Conflict Risks in the Pacific. Moreover, the bulletin included challenges and responses, climate justice in the majority world, health care infrastructure, resilience and climate change. Other publications referred to in the bulletin included Preparing for a new world of weather and climate extremes, and a book on Climatic and Ecological Change in the Americas: A Perspective from Historical Ecology.

Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of TRENDS Research and Advisory, said that the Center analyzes the most important studies on climate issues within the framework of its support for the COP28 conference. TRENDS Center highlights climate change issues and publishes scientific materials that help find solutions and deliver insightful visions.

Dr. Al-Ali explained the importance of collective international action to address climate change as a global issue that needs concerted action. He said that TRENDS Center has placed climate action at the forefront of its research priorities and activities. Dr. Al-Ali indicated that TRENDS is working with full capacity to promote green knowledge, support climate action efforts and enhance the role of youth in this respect.

Dr. Al-Ali indicated that TRENDS Center has raised the slogan of "Green Knowledge" throughout this year. In fact, the Center has appointed an official spokesman for the COP28 timeline, in recognition of the importance of this major international event. The move came in line with the Center’s endeavor to enhance its role as a knowledge and academic link between broad categories of specialists in the various relevant fields.

Al-Ali referred to the TRENDS study on the "Road to COP28". He said that this study reviewed the main milestones on the road to this global climate summit. The study covered the major international repercussions of climate change. It outlined the main steps of international climate action during the period from the first climate conference until now.



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