
Holding Scientific dialogues, knowledge activities and displaying insightful publications.. TRENDS Continues its presence in Seoul International Book Fair



'TRENDS Research and Advisory continues its participation in the 65th edition of the Seoul International Book Fair 2023, with a number of activities and sideline events. TRENDS special Stand at the COEX exhibition complex displays books and research publications that include original and translated books, scientific publications in the fields of economics, politics, strategic directions and political Islam. Moreover, the center will display its encyclopedia on the Muslim Brotherhood in several languages.





The TRENDS stand has attracted the Seoul Book Fair visitors, writers, educators and publishers through holding knowledge dialogues, displaying insightful publications and research papers. The visitors praised the TRENDS Center innovative Stand and the quality of its research texts. The visitors exchanged discussions about knowledge and scientific research. They appreciated TRENDS role in anticipating events and shaping the future.





The TRENDS Center’s delegation to this popular Book Fair is headed by Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of TRENDS Research and Advisory. The delegation resumed its activities by paying a special visit to the Starfield Library, located in the center of COEX Mall in Seoul, the capital of South Korea. The delegation discussed with the Library’s officials matters of joint cooperation in the field of research, exchange of experiences and advisory, in order to achieve the transfer of knowledge and build bridges between cultures.





The Starfield Library is the first open public space where anyone can freely come to sit down, take a break and read a book in the convenience of a shopping mall. It is the most beautiful library in the world and an important unique Korean cultural landmark. The library covers a space of about 2,800 square meters. It is a two-level open space, where the public can access knowledge for free. The library includes paper books, e-books in addition to computers which are made available to everyone.





The TRENDS delegation also visited a number of Stands participating in the Seoul Book Fair and discussed matters of building partnerships and potential cooperation with the officials in charge of these Stands. The visits included the Stands of France and Canada, the National Library of Korea, the Sharjah Stand which has been designated the guest of honor of the Seoul International Book Fair 2023. The TRENDS delegation visited the Literature, Publishing and Translation Commission of the Saudi Ministry of Culture, where they attended a live discussion panel.





Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of TRENDS, stressed that the Center's participation in the exhibition is part of its keenness to attend international cultural forums. He indicated that the Seoul Book Fair is considered as one of the most popular book fairs in Asia and beyond. The Seoul International Book Fair has become a global link and cultural platform that promotes dialogue.  Dr. Al-Ali praised The Seoul Book Fair for introducing aspects of culture as a bridge of communication between different nations.


Dr. Al-Ali pointed out that the Soul Book Fair witnessed valuable participations and has seen meaningful dialogues. The Seoul global Book event constitutes an important milestone and a new gateway for TRENDS to showcase its diverse publications and research work to the global community. He said that global book fairs have transformed into important venues for spreading culture, advancing knowledge and envisioning the future.


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