
TRENDS Participates in Bahrain’s «Derasat Center» Forum on «The Role of Women in Policy Making, Think Tanks and Research»



TRENDS Research and Advisory participated in the sixth annual Derasat Center Forum, which was held in Manama on June 14 and 15, entitled: "The Role of Women in Policy-Making, Think Tanks and Research". The forum discussed the latest developments and aspects related to the challenges and opportunities of women in policy-making and think tanks.  The participants included bodies such as The Supreme Council for Women of Bahrain, representatives of research centers, international agencies and organizations, in addition to a number of experts, media and concerned specialists from several countries.





Ms. Alya Al-Awadhi, Head of Advisory section at TRENDS Research and Advisory delivered a working paper in the first session of the Forum, entitled "Intellectual Women Leaders: Challenges and Victories for Women in Leadership Roles." Ms. Alya, herself a full-time researcher at TRENDS Research & Advisory, praised the work environment created by TRENDS Center for its employees in general and women in particular. She said that the TRENDS Center has created an inclusive work environment that supports and encourages women by appointing and promoting them to leadership positions and enhancing their research role. TRENDS Center provides women with the opportunity to innovate and demonstrate their distinguished capabilities.


Ms. Alya Al-Awadhi said that studies have shown that women in leadership positions are more accommodative and inclusive. They continue to deliver a successful and active leadership style, which resonates and earns positive response in the region.


She pointed out that making a good decision requires the right input of available facts and data, analyzing them and developing the relevant scenarios, in order to craft a well-informed decision.


In today's world, making any hasty decision, based on simplified facts or limited input, ignores the reality of the advanced world in which we live.





Ms. Alya explained that our lives today rely heavily on modern technology and is shaped by our own experiences, which may result in fragmented data and scattered facts. She warned that the fragmentation of facts, and the sparsely generated data surrounding us, require a leadership style capable of listening and insightful analysis before issuing judgments and making final decisions.





The TRENDS delegation was headed by Aisha Al-Romaithi, Director of Research & Advisory Department. It included Alya Al-Awadhi, Head of Advisory section and Nouf AlSaadi, Strategic Researcher. The delegation met with Her Excellency Ms. Hala Al-Ansari, the Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for Women in Bahrain and Professor Yusra Mouzughi, President of the Royal University for Women. They also met with Ambassador Dr. David Fernandez Puyana, Permanent Observer of the UN University for Peace, during which they discussed prospects for enhancing research cooperation in the field of women's research and peace studies and training future leaders.


A group of specialists, experts and policymakers from the region and the world, representatives of UN organizations and prestigious think tanks, researchers from the Arab Gulf countries, in addition to a group of women executives who worked in these centers and government institutions, spoke at the two-day forum sessions. They discussed the best ways towards advancing and enhancing the role of women in all sectors.





The Forum saw the participation of a group of specialists, experts and policy makers from the region and beyond. Representatives of international organizations, prestigious think tanks, researchers from the Arab Gulf countries and a group of executive women who worked in research centers and government institutions attended the Forum. The attendants deliberated about the best ways to advance and strength the role of women in all sectors.


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