
Emirati newspapers editors-in-chief participate in TRENDS Symposium at the Seoul Book Fair.. Participants discuss the importance of international collective action to confront climate change



TRENDS Research and Advisory organized a symposium entitled: "The Road to COP28: The importance of collective international action to confront climate change.”  The event is held as part of TRENDS current participation in the Seoul International Book Fair 2023.  The editors-in-chief of main UAE newspapers and researchers from South Korea contributed their insights during the discussion. This is TRENDS Center first participation in the Seoul Book Fair, which reflects the Center strategy to transform into a global platform for dialogue, constructive research and cooperation in the knowledge field.


Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of TRENDS, opened the symposium with welcoming remarks in which he stressed the importance of international cooperation and global collective action to confront climate change. He said that that climate change is a global phenomenon that needs concerted effort to address it. Dr. Al-Ali indicated that no country, no matter how great or powerful, can address the danger of this phenomenon alone, because it is pervasive and threatens all humanity.





Dr. Al-Ali said that the world is expecting the COP28 Summit, and hopes to achieve practical steps and stronger international commitments to limit the climate change impact. The climate change has serious repercussions for the future of human life. He said that holding the summit in the United Arab Emirates enhances optimism that the summit will be an exceptional on in the global march towards an effective climate action, given the fact the UAE's enjoys great international confidence. The UAE has made commendable efforts at all levels to unify positions of all countries and international powers on the need to achieve the desired goals of the Climate Summit.


Dr. Al-Ali spoke about TRENDS' plans and efforts in supporting climate action in general and COP28 in particular. He stressed that TRENDS Center has placed the climate action file at the top of its priorities and research activities since its establishment. In fact, TRENDS is exerting great efforts to promote green knowledge and support climate action. Moreover, TRENDS Center supports the role of youth. Dr. Al-Ali indicated that TRENDS raised the slogan of "Green Knowledge" throughout this year, and appointed a spokesman for COP28, in recognition of the importance of the upcoming international event. This move falls in line with TRENDS' endeavor to enhance its global role as a knowledge and academic link between wide categories of specialists in various relevant fields.


Mr. Awad Al-Breiki, Head of TRENDS Global Sector, who moderated the symposium, explained that TRENDS, as part of its support for COP28, issued a new study entitled "The Road to COP28". He reviewed the milestones on the road to this conference and the most important international repercussions of climate change.  Mr. Awad outlined the major facts about international climate action during the period from the first climate conference until now. He explained that the TRENDS study presented the most important obstacles on the way to achieving the targeted carbon neutrality by all countries and the roles assigned to the UAE to raise the world's ambitions towards climate change by 2050.





The Media and Climate Change  

Mr. Hamad Al Kaabi, Editor-in-Chief, Al-Ittihad Newspaper, spoke about the role of global media in the success of collective climate action. He stressed the important role of Media outlets in raising awareness about the importance of preserving the environment and confronting climate change.


He said that the COP28 conference constitutes an important step in mobilizing international efforts to save the planet and reach decisive results that save humanity. He indicated that promoting sustainability is an authentic approach in the United Arab Emirates that has been established since the era of the late founding father Sheikh Zayed, may Allah have mercy on him. Al Kaabi said that the current UAE leadership has made the environment a priority for all its current and future development policies. His Highness the President of the UAE, may Allah protect him, declared 2023 as the Year of Sustainability. The UAE banned the use of plastic bags and has taken other steps to promote the idea of sustainability and protect the environment.


Al Kaabi also said that global media has a vital role in supporting the efforts to make COP28 a successful event. They can contribute positively to the success of its activities. He said humanity at large is looking forward to the outcome of this event. Al Kaabi pointed out that the conscious and responsible international media is aware of this fact and publishes reports that promote the necessity for success of this important conference. He said that there are some irresponsible media that are driven by special agendas and direct their criticisms in order to thwart the conference. The malicious effort by these media outlets is not directed against the UAE, but against all humanity.





Mr. Raed Barqawi, Executive Editor of the Al-Khaleej newspaper, said that the media has a key role in raising public awareness about sustainability, the environment and climate issues across all age groups. He indicated that there is a different media message to each segment in society. However, the goal remains the same, which is to enhance awareness among everyone about these vital issues to the future of humanity. Mr. Barqawi noted that the media interest intensified after the UAE won the bid to host the COP28 conference. He said that it is important to enhance awareness among individuals, not only in Arab societies, but among all communities around the world. This is the role that must be played by the international media in its various orientations and cultures. Mr. Raed Barqawi also explained that many measures have been taken by the UAE in this field, including the decision to ban the use of plastic bags and the declaration of 2023 as the Year of Sustainability. The media should promote these important moves to enhance public awareness and work hard to make them an integral part of the society’s culture.


Barqawi stressed that the media is an indispensable part of the society's dynamics. As such, it should support this trend towards protecting the environment, promoting sustainability and confronting climate change. The UAE has a successful media role during "Expo", where the media played an important role in introducing the global event.


Mr. Saud Al Darbi, Head of the News and Publishing Center at Dubai Media Incorporated, and Editor-in-Chief of Al Bayan newspaper, said in his remarks that the COP28 conference is the largest global event after Expo, which confirms the UAE's leading role in hosting major global events and ensuring their success. He pointed out that the United Arab Emirates has since the era of its foundation by the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, May Allah have mercy on him, has taken environmental and sustainability issues quite seriously. Sheikh Zayed was known as the first man of the environment. Today, the wise leadership of the UAE has moved the world to shift towards renewable and clean energy to support the environment and the climate. Mr. Saud stressed that the media momentum will intensify as the world's approaches the most prominent event of COP28", in order to enhance awareness about this conference and the issues on its agenda.


Ms. Mona Abu Samra, Editor-in-Chief of Emarat Al Youm newspaper said in her remarks at the TRENDS symposium at the Seoul International Book Fair, that the media is responsible for shaping the public opinion on climate awareness and promoting green economy efforts. She said that the COP28 team is making tremendous efforts to lead global efforts in the field of climate and these efforts should be supported and highlighted. Ms. Mona explained that the success of these efforts will enhance the position and role of the UAE globally. Moreover, it will draw a clear roadmap for the international community to achieve its global climate goals and protect the life of our future generations. She called upon all international media outlets, including Korean, to support these efforts as well.





Korea and COP28

On the Korean position in support of COP28, South Korean researcher Suan Hana, CEO of Wornaby Publishing Company in South Korea, said that Korea, through its research institutions and publishing houses, supports the drive towards sustainability, environmental protection, climate action and enhancing awareness among children and adults. She indicated that despite the world's interest in the issue of global warming for thirty years, the results that have been achieved in confronting this phenomenon are still modest due to many shortcomings. She explained that the international action in this aspect has focused on government work, not on the roles of individuals and companies. In this regard, she stressed the need to focus on individual behavior and try to create a positive environmental and climate culture for all individuals. Ms. Suan explained the important role of companies that support climate action through recycling and raising public awareness about the importance of preserving the environment. She said that this is a social responsibility and a global humanitarian requirement.


Hana expressed her hope that the UAE will succeed in producing strong and important results during hosting the COP28 Summit. She expressed her pleasure to give young people the opportunity to participate in this conference, along with other stakeholders. Hana pointed out that there is cooperation between South Korea and the UAE in areas related to climate action such as green technology. She stressed that Korea supports the UAE's efforts to make the conference a success and reach important results for the benefit of the whole world.





TRENDS Stand attracts Seoul Book Fair Visitors

Visitors flocked to the TRENDS Research and Advisory Stand at the Seoul International Book Fair 2023. They were received and briefed by the TRENDS staff on the contents of the stand and the nature of the Center’s research work. The stand has received visits by prominent VIPs including His Excellency Sami bin Mohammed Al-Sadhan, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Republic of Korea., and Dr. Sultan Al Amimi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Emirates Writers Union, and Director of the Poetry Academy. Suwon Han, CEO of the Korean publishing company "Warnaby”, and the Korean writer and author Lee Kiong, in addition to a large number of Korean university students, media professionals and researchers visited the TRENDS Stand.





The TRENDS Center delegation visited a number of other institutions participating in the Seoul Book Fair. They discussed with their counterparts matters of building partnerships and the potential for mutual cooperation. The TRENDS Delegation visited some of the most prominent stands in the Seoul Book Fair, including those of France, Canada and the National Library of Korea. They also visited the Sharjah Stand, nominated as the guest of honor of the Seoul International Book FAIR 2023.


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