
In line of its global vision ..TRENDS Center opens virtual office in Cairo



TRENDS Research and Advisory Center opened its virtual office in the Egyptian capital city of Cairo, as part of its comprehensive research vision and its endeavor to expand its outreach network. The office uses state-of-the-art technology and artificial intelligence, to support the TRENDS’s studies and research and achieve its planned goals. The new office shall be another global knowledge bridge and a link   with regional and international think tanks. The office has a diverse research unit that support TRENDS' Center areas of work.


Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of TRENDS Research & Advisory, said that the virtual office shall work on remote networking basis, using artificial intelligence and new technology. This new addition aims at expanding TRENDS’ outreach in the most important of world capitals.







Dr. Al-Ali added that the virtual office shall complement the effort of the Dubai office, which has been in existence for more than a year. The Cairo office shall support the TRENDS’ head office with research, studies and insights. In fact, the office is a valuable addition to the series of achievements and successes achieved by TRENDS, which continues to establish its global position as a credible platform for Knowledge and scientific research. The new virtual office in Cairo, shall be a dynamic point of movement and shall “build bridges for interaction with others and promote cultural and civilizational exchange between us and various nations around the world” Dr. Al-Ali said.


Dr. Al-Ali indicated that the opening of the virtual office in Cairo falls in line with the advent of new technologies and the prompt delivery of tasks and easier communication. The office shall be a window and a link with other regions of the   world. He noted that TRENDS was able to access a global presence in many international forums through active participation and new partnerships. The latter relationships played a pivotal and effective role in supporting research and scientific efforts. Trends used this outreach to continue its glorious march towards pioneering leadership.







The CEO of TRENDS explained that the virtual office will maintain its steadfast resolve to deliver research tasks through its researchers and virtual employees. The office will follow Arab and African events and issues. Cairo has been chosen because of its peculiar location and its cultural and civilizational weight. Cairo is a dynamic hub that links Arab and African countries, in addition to the abundance of its reputable think tanks and research expertise. This advantage will enhance the research output of TRENDS Center and deliver its reputable balanced knowledge to other parts of the world.


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