
TRENDS and Dubai Police Discuss Cooperation in Scientific Studies, Training and Development



TRENDS Research and Advisory and The Dubai Police GHQ Resilience Centre discussed the prospects for joint cooperation and ways to establish scientific and knowledge links between the two sides to achieve common goals of interest in research areas. Moreover, the two sides discussed mechanisms for cooperation in specialized opinion polls, intensive training and development programs that enhance the skills and capabilities of their staff.


The meeting took place at the Dubai Police GHQ, where Brigadier Expert Ahmed Bourguiba, Director of the Dubai Police Resilience Centre received a delegation headed by Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of TRENDS Research and Advisory. The audience was attended by a number of heads of divisions, directors of departments and officials from both parties.






Resilience Strategies

Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of TRENDS, stressed that cooperation between research institutions, think tanks, government agencies and private entities has a major effective role in enhancing the efficiency of the resilience regime and reducing potential risks. Such Effort shall support current and future strategies with integrated scientific insights. It will stimulate prior planning for projects and training programs, which raises the quality and help them achieves their objectives in an accurate manner.


Dr. Al-Ali stated that the Dubai Police Resilience Centre contributes significantly to the promotion of resilience, intelligent practices and sustainability strategies. This supports the overall strategic approach which enhance sustainable preparedness by anticipating risks, reducing their negative impact and responding effectively to them. The approach requires the use of a proper research methodology that is capable of envisioning the future with sound knowledge, accurate analysis of risks and the use of unique methods to confront them.


The CEO of TRENDS Research and Advisory pointed out that both the Resilience Center and TRENDS are keen to deliver an effective contribution to the transfer of purposeful knowledge. Both institutions pursue the development of strategic planning skills to confront risks and threats, through scientific research, foresight studies, training and continuous development. He added that the two sides intend to prepare targeted training programs and launch strategic initiatives on the management of Disasters, crises and resilience. The Two sides shall benefit from their mutual experiences and trusted advice of their capable experts.






Scientific reference

Brigadier Ahmed Bourguiba, Director of the Dubai Police Resilience Centre praised the efforts of the TRENDS Center, and the quality of its scientific and knowledge output characterized by high efficiency and professionalism. He added that TRENDS has become an important global knowledge platform, and a trusted reference for scientific and intellectual work. He appreciated the quality and diversity of the TRENDS’ publications and areas of specialized work.


Brigadier Bourguiba said that TRENDS' vision to foresee the future with sound knowledge, its scientific and insightful mission, its ambitious goals and global strategy placed it at the forefront of regional and international think tanks. He lauded the center for its outstanding research output, purposeful studies and analyses.  He indicated that research institutions represent a major source of support for government and private sector strategies and plans that envision a brighter future. They enhance the skills of individuals and guide them towards creative and scientific thinking.






Crisis Analysis

Fahad Al-Mahri, Head of Dubai Office Sector at TRENDS said that meaningful cooperation between different government agencies and private institutions is a key supporter of scientific research efforts. Such effort spreads creative thought, objective opinion and reliable information based on accurate data and credible evidence. This would provide public opinion and policymakers with trusted  recommendations, studies and research that analyze various issues, crises and challenges and address them with greater precision. Al-Mahri praised the genuine spirit of cooperation and constructive understanding between TRENDS and Dubai Police. He stressed that the two sides are determined to consolidate the relationship of cooperation and understanding in the future, in areas that help them achieve common strategies and objectives.


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