
TRENDS and the Russian Presidential Academy (RANEPA) sign a Memorandum of Research Cooperation



TRENDS Research and Advisory and the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) signed a memorandum of cooperation to cooperate in scientific fields. The agreement shall help the two parties coordinate to achieve their common goals of supporting and promoting genuine scientific research.


Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of TRENDS Research and Advisory, and Mrs. Polina Nemirovchenko, Vice-rector of the Presidential Academy - signed the agreement on behalf of their respective institutions.





The agreement was signed At the Trends office in Dubai. It aims to promote cooperation between the two sides and coordination in scientific research, develop joint activities and seminars of interests, as well as the exchange of experts and researchers. Dr. Al-Ali welcomed this partnership. He indicated that TRENDS is keen to strengthen cooperation with think tanks, research and academic institutions, especially those with a global outreach. They share the same goals and visions that look into the future with systematic and objective knowledge.





Dr. Al-Ali added that the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration is one of the largest and most important academic and scientific institutions in the field of economics and public administration. He noted that the majority of Russian leaders graduated from this reputable institution. The academy has specialized experience in scientific research, which will reflect positively on the promotion of TRENDS’ visionary Studies. The MOU shall establish constructive cooperation between the two parties in achieving evidence-based scientific outputs.





Dr. Mohammed Al-Ali said that TRENDS Center is keen to promote cooperation between think tanks and research institutions. The exchange of analysts and experts allows for the transfer of ideas and better mobilization of resources and capabilities. It also helps in accessing best practices and proposing the necessary policies to deal with issues and emerging events, in order to analyze them with scientific insights.




Mrs. Polina Nemirovchenko, expressed his academy’s pleasure to cooperate with TRENDS Research and Advisory, which he described as one of “the most important think tanks in the region.” He said that cooperation with TTRENDS will enrich the research output of both sides and facilitate the delivery and transfer of knowledge to a greater extent. The Russian research expert praised Trends' visionary research efforts that explore the latest developments by enabling young experts and researchers to do insightful analyses.


The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) is one of the largest and most important academic and scientific institutions in the field of economics and public administration. The majority of Russian leaders have graduated from this reputable institution. It has 52 branches inside Russia, and conducts a wide range of scientific, organizational and advisory activities. Its research work enhances the role and status of the community of researchers in the world.


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