
Two Discussion Panels.. Discussed ways of cooperation between TRENDS and research centers in Vietnam and Japan



TRENDS Research and Advisory held two discussion panels which stressed the importance of scientific research and think tanks in disseminating culture, knowledge, envisioning events and their manifestations.


The panels were hosted by TRENDS Center on separate events. They were attended consecutively by H.E. Nguyen Manh Tuan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the UAE, and a Japanese delegation led by H.E. Mariko Kaneko, Minister Plenipotentiary and Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Japan in the UAE.  The Japanese diplomat was accompanied by Ryoko Sasaoka, the political attaché at the Embassy. The audience was attended by a number of TRENDS researchers. The two sides discussed the role of research centers in supporting culture, establishing mutual dialogue and providing content that contributes to the cognitive and cultural renaissance of nations. Such effort explores the current issues with a balanced insight, thus helping to find proper solutions to various challenges with the right visions.





Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of TRENDS opened the two separate meetings by welcoming the Vietnamese and Japanese delegations, expressing his hopes for fruitful cooperation with research and think tanks in both Vietnam and Japan. He said that such cooperation will serve the mutual transfer of knowledge and culture in general and promotes the values of tolerance, coexistence and understanding others in particular.





Dr. Al-Ali briefed the delegations of Vietnam and Japan on the nature of the TRENDS’ research work, which invests in young people and seeks to empower them as future leaders. He explained the research programs, training efforts and surveys run by the Center, in addition to other activities and events. He said that these activities are geared to spread knowledge, consolidate the values of tolerance and coexistence, and reject violence and hatred.


Ambassador Nguyen Manh Tuan of Vietnam, and the Japanese Diplomat each reviewed the cultural and knowledge experience of their countries, as well as the importance of research centers in anticipating events and exploring current developments.





The two sessions discussed the current status of scientific research and its importance as an essential tool of knowledge and science. The Ambassador of Vietnam appreciated the research efforts undertaken by TRENDS, praised the quality of its publications, their comprehensiveness and diversity. He said he was impressed by the TRENDS center's interest in developing the skills of young researchers. The Vietnamese diplomat said that this approach would allow young talents to participate in the field of research, which represents the basis of sound knowledge and lay the bottom rock for building civilized nations.





The Japanese delegation expressed its appreciation for TRENDS' research efforts. They lauded its research output which they described as serious and genuine research that contributes to promoting a culture of peace and coexistence. The delegation praised the distinguished presence of TRENDS in the global knowledge space, in addition to its activities and events that cover a wide range of knowledge.  At the end of each of the two sessions, Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali presented H.E. Ambassador Nguyen Manh Tuan and H.E. Mariko Kaneko with a collection of the TRENDS' publications for each of them.


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