
In Line with its Global Outreach TRENDS Center participates in the World Congress of Political Science organized by the International Association of Political Science (IPSA) in Buenos Aires


TRENDS Research and Advisory participated in the 27th World Congress of Political Science, organized by the International Association of Political Science (IPSA), in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Two TRENDS researchers delivered a research paper entitled "The Quranic Perspective on International Relations: A Study of Islamic Texts and their Relationship to Contemporary Diplomacy". The participation falls in line with the Center global presence in Knowledge forums.

In a joint paper, Senior researchers Dr. Mohammad Abu Ghazaleh and Sultan Al-Ali, director of the Barometer Department, presented a vision for peaceful relations between nations, through the analysis of the relevant Quranic verses and their interpretations.

The TRENDS researchers presented the results of their research paper, which revealed a comprehensive Quranic framework for ethical behavior and diplomacy in international relations. The Quran emphasizes the importance of justice, fairness, compassion and cooperation between people. It calls for respect for religious diversity and other cultures in the world. The Quran has called for building bridges of understanding and cooperation with others, while acknowledging the reality of conflict and war, which characterizes international politics.

This perspective emphasizes the importance of mutual respect and non-discrimination, the need for peaceful settlement of disputes and encourages Muslims to work together to achieve common goals. They include the establishment of peace and justice. Based on the results of their study, the researchers identified a number of basic Quranic principles that can be applied to contemporary diplomacy. These include justice, where diplomacy must be based on the principle of fair treatment of others and support for the rights of all parties concerned. The ultimate aim of this is to resolve disputes in a fair and just manner. Other principles of compassion, mutual respect, non-discrimination, peaceful settlement of disputes and avoiding resort to force, should be observed whenever possible.


These principles can be applied to contemporary diplomacy by promoting the peaceful resolution of disputes and supporting international dispute resolution mechanisms, such as mediation, negotiation and arbitration.

The researchers examined the GCC states as a model for the practical application of these principles to their foreign policy and diplomacy. They sought to promote justice in their foreign policy by supporting just causes and actively supporting the rights of other oppressed and vulnerable peoples. The GCC States have also been active in providing humanitarian assistance and disaster relief to countries affected by conflicts and natural disasters. The UAE and Saudi Arabia played a leading role in providing humanitarian assistance to Yemen, which has been devastated by war and humanitarian crisis. The GCC States also stress the importance of mutual respect and non-discrimination in their foreign policy, by promoting interfaith dialogue. They work to combat Islamophobia and other forms of discrimination. The UAE has set an exemplary model in this respect. It has launched initiatives to promote understanding between Muslims and followers of other religions.

As for the principle of peaceful resolution of disputes, the researchers indicated that the GCC states have always stressed the importance of peaceful resolution of disputes in their foreign policy, by supporting diplomatic solutions to disputes in other parts of the world. For example, GCC states have played an effective role in mediating conflicts in Yemen, Syria and Ukraine. They supported diplomatic efforts to resolve the crisis in Libya and played a crucial role in ending the Horn of Africa's longest war between Ethiopia and Eritrea.

The World Congress of Political Science, organized by the International Association of Political Science (IPSA), is a major international gathering of political scientists working in academia, research and consultancy. They convene to deliver their research output over four days. The congress has more than 500 specialized committees. It is held every two years and this year more than 2,800 delegates from nearly 80 countries participated.


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