
Trends Podcast: The Voice of Balanced Scientific Research The first season will focus on climate change and Roadmap to COP28


TRENDS Research and Advisory announced the launch of the "Trends Podcast" to enhance its activities, keep abreast with its global outreach and achieve its strategic goals in accordance with the vision of continuous development. This development came after the recent renewals and upgrade of the Center tools.

Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of TRENDS Research and Advisory, said that the TRENDS podcast (digital audio file) is a new service that aims to give research a voice and reach out to a global audience. The podcast shall make the TRENDS' voice heard as a knowledgeable source, more forward-looking and delivers a balanced research message.

He added that the TRENDS podcast will discuss multiple topics by hosting experts and specialists who analyze and envision a number of current issues.

Dr. Mohammed Al-Ali stressed that TRENDS has chosen multiple platforms to deliver its message. The Center seeks to deliver its research output to the largest number of audiences. He explained that podcast service has become an effective tool of communication, as well as an its easy access on smartphones and other communication means at any time.

The CEO of TRENDS Center expressed his pride that the new initiatives of the center, including the podcast service, were delivered by Emirati youth. He stressed that TRENDS Center has since raised the slogan "Investing in youth, is an investment in the Future”. He said that these initiatives represent the beginning of a new phase in TRENDS' research journey, through which it seeks to achieve its ambitious global vision, by harnessing the industrious efforts of creative Emirati youth who are armed with the latest modern technology.  Dr. Al-Ali stressed that through this approach we have no doubt that we shall achieve the future goals that the TRENDS Center has set for itself from the beginning.

Alanoud Al Hosani, media specialist and supervisor of the TRENDS podcast, said that this new channel aims to make the voice of TRENDS heard through narration and attracting the audience attention. She indicated that the first season of the podcast service will focus on the topic of climate change, as the Center will issue an episode every month, leading to the COP28 conference. The podcast will address the relevant knowledge which shall be its main umbrella. TRENDS podcast shall produce multiple series on the most important current global topics.

Alanoud Al Hosani indicated that the podcast was chosen to be a knowledge link between Research Centers and the wider public. The innovative service shall streamline and make complex issues easier to understand for the audience. She explained that the podcast shall provide a platform for exchanging knowledge, facilitating access and exploring relevant issues. Alanoud indicated that the target audience is youth, academics, researchers and professional experts.

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