
Catalyzing Change: How Young Activists Are Shaping the Climate Agenda Around the Globe

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  • Shamma Ahmed Al Qutbah
    Senior Student at Zayed University
Policy Papers

Catalyzing Change: How Young Activists Are Shaping the Climate Agenda Around the Globe

Climate change is among the most pressing issues confronting humanity and dominating international agendas as a complex and all-encompassing challenge that threatens not only the environment but also the very fabric of societies. Its consequences are global and unprecedented in scope. From impacting weather patterns to rising sea levels, the effects of global warming have increased the risk for catastrophic flooding, rising temperatures, and an increased frequency of extreme weather events such as polar ice melting and biodiversity loss. However, efforts to mitigate these effects are still moving too slowly, are being hampered by vested interests and are being supported by a strong conservative majority that refuses to acknowledge the imminence of disaster. In this defining moment for humanity, it is not just the present generation that bears the burden of responsibility, but also the youth, who are the most affected and at the same time will inherit the consequences of the actions or inactions of the present. Their future is inextricably linked to our choices today, and their voices, perspectives, and actions must be an integral part of the solution to the climate crisis.

This paper explores and elucidates the pivotal role that young people can and should play in combating climate change. It delves into the myriad ways youth can be empowered, engaged, and mobilized to become catalysts for sustainable change. Enhancing the role of youth in combating climate change is essential, as young people have a significant stake in the future of our planet. Through education, advocacy, innovation, and active participation in decisionmaking processes, the youth of today can be transformative agents in the battle against climate change. In this course, the study uses South Africa and the U.S. as case studies. By studying these two countries, we can gain insights into the opportunities and challenges of involving youth in climate action across different contexts, from highly industrialized nations to emerging economies. This comparative analysis can help develop strategies and policies that are adaptable and effective in various global settings, ultimately advancing the global fight against climate change.

: 22-December-2023

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