
US suspension of WHO funding and its implications for the efforts to phase out the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Late Dr. Ashraf Al Eisawy
    Previous Media Advisor
Humanitarian Security

US suspension of WHO funding and its implications for the efforts to phase out the COVID-19 pandemic

As calls for more international cooperation to counter the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak are increasing, the US decision to suspend WHO funding is a significant blow for these efforts, not only because this move comes at a time when the WHO needs support to play its role in confronting this pandemic. But also because of the blame game between Washington and Beijing regarding the responsibility for this virus outbreak, and the attempt to involve this organization in this controversy, leading to another serious issue of “politicizing” this world health crisis, and the implications that this represents for international cooperation.

“This paper examines the various dimensions of the US decision to suspend WHO funding and explains the reasons underlying it. It analyses the potential impact of the role of the WHO in addressing the Covid-19 pandemic. The paper seeks to outline the risks of “politicizing” epidemics and health crises in general. It also examines the different aspects of international cooperation that can help counter the Covid-19 outbreak, particularly in the wake of this US decision, and efforts to manage this pandemic, and minimizing its repercussions.” Available in Arabic

: 29-April-2020

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