Past Speakers

Person Past Speakers
Deya' Leonard Dresner
Founder & Executive Director, Leonard Education Organization, USA
Person Past Speakers
Miriam Tekuzener
Tour Educator on 'Israel Experience' Educational trips.
Person Past Speakers
Zainab Toujani
Professor of Civilization at the University of Manouba
Person Past Speakers
Ali Mostfa
Associate Professor at ESTRI, Lyon Catholic University
Person Past Speakers
Rose Abdollahzadeh
Managing Director for Research Partnerships | Chatham House
Person Past Speakers
Micky Aharonson
Expert on Int'l Relations/Euro-Asia | JISS | Israel
Person Past Speakers
Sarah Donahue
Associate Director of Operations | Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center | United States
Person Past Speakers
Renata Dwan
Deputy Director and Senior Executive Officer | Chatham House | United Kingdom
Person Past Speakers
Luke Easley
Vice President of Human Resources and Operations | Center for Global Development | United States
Person Past Speakers
Osama Elgohary
CEO | Information & Decision Support Center (IDSC) | Egypt
Person Past Speakers
Intissar Fakir
Senior Fellow and Director of Program on North Africa and the Sahel | Middle East Institute | United States
Person Past Speakers
Elaine Ford
Director | Democracy & Development International (Democracia & Desarrollo Internacional) | Peru
Person Past Speakers
Tomiko Ichikawa
Director General | Japan Institute of International Affairs | Japan
Person Past Speakers
Natasha Hall
Senior Fellow, Middle East Program | Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) | United States
Person Past Speakers
Natasha Jacome
Deputy Chief Operating Officer | Wilson Center | United Stat
Person Past Speakers
R. Andreas Kraemer
Founder | Ecologic Institute | Germany
Person Past Speakers
Deron Lehman
Managing Director | American Enterprise Institute | United States
Person Past Speakers
Paul McAllister
President | Global Leaders in Unity and Involvement | United States
Person Past Speakers
Kunihiko Mikaye
Research Director | Canon Institute for Global Studies | Japan
Person Past Speakers
David O’Brien
Vice President of Development and External Affairs | Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE) | United States
Person Past Speakers
Strahinja Subotić
Programme Manager and Senior Researcher | European Policy Centre (CEP) | Serbia
Person Past Speakers
Lydia Ruddy
Director of Communications | European Policy Institute for ASEAN and East Asia Indonesia
Person Past Speakers
Samir Saran
Person Past Speakers
Antonio Villafranca
Director of Studies | Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) | Italy
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Fahd Ibrahim Abdulrahman Al-Sabhan
Academic Scholar and Chairman of Al-Sabhan Legal Group
Person Past Speakers
David Nordell
International cybersecurity and information strategy consultant
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Munqith Dagher
Ph.D. in Public Administration from the University of Baghdad, College of Administration and Economics and Master degree in war sciences
Person Past Speakers
Anna Borshchevskaya
Senior fellow at The Washington Institute
Person Past Speakers
Professor Milette Shamir
Vice President for International Academic Affairs | Tel Aviv University | Israel
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Liora Hendelman-Baavur
Director of the Alliance Center for Iranian Studies, Tel Aviv University | Israel
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Nir Boms
Research Fellow at The Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies | Israel
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Brandon Friedman
Director of Research The Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies | Israel
Person Past Speakers
Ksenia Svetlova
Director of the program on Israel-Middle East relations | The Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies (Mitvim) | Israel
Person Past Speakers
Liliana Alvarado
Ethos Public Policy Lab
Person Past Speakers
Professor Harsh V Pant
Director of Research and Head of the Strategic Studies Programme at Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi
Person Past Speakers
Aya Alkabarity
Program Manager, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Person Past Speakers
Prof. Dr. Ahmet O. Evin
Professor Emeritus, Sabanci University Senior Scholar, Istanbul Policy Center (IPC) | Republic of Turkey
Person Past Speakers
Narmina Gasimova
Grants and Programs Director, Center for Economic and Social Development
Person Past Speakers
Elena Karpinskaya
Deputy Director of Programs, Russian International Affairs Council | Russian Federation
Person Past Speakers
Sergei G. Melkonian
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Program Director Armenian Research and Development Institute (ARDI) | Republic of Armenia
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Gil Murciano
CEO | Mitvim – The Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies | State of Israel
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Charles Powell
Director | Elcano Royal Institute | Kingdom of Spain
Person Past Speakers
Dr George N. Tzogopoulos
Senior Research Fellow at the Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE)
Person Past Speakers
Dr Maha Hosain Aziz
Professor, author and cartoonist in the MA International Relations Program at New York University’s Graduate School of Arts & Sciences specializing in global risk and prediction
Person Past Speakers
Venkatachalam Anbumozhi
Senior Economist and the Director Research Strategy and Innovations at the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Indonesia
Person Past Speakers
Dr. David Meyer
Associate Professor of Security and Global Studies and Program Director, Master of Art Diplomacy, The American University in the Emirates (AUE)- UAE
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Anne Speckhard
Director , International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism - United States of America
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Sandrine Kergroach
Deputy Head of Division The OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities (CFE) France
Person Past Speakers
Dr. William R. White
Former Deputy Governor , The Bank of Canada
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Manal Shehabi
OIES-KFAS Supernumerary Fellow Oxford Institute for Energy Studies United Kingdom
Person Past Speakers
Zhenhai Cui
Researcher at ChongYang Institute for Financial Studies , Renmin University of China
Person Past Speakers
Masayuki Goto
Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer at Space Cubics
Person Past Speakers
Luc St-Pierre
Chief of Space Applications division at the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Peter Martinez
Executive Director, Secure World Foundation
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Patrick Lenain
Aِِssistant Director at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Abhishek Saurav
Economist - Private Sector Development and Investment Climate, The World Bank Group, Washington DC
Person Past Speakers
Alla Razuvaeva
Founder and Director-General, Prosto Cosmos LLC, Russian Federation
Person Past Speakers
Eng. Amer Al Ghafri
Senior Director of Space Engineering Department at Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Center, UAE
Person Past Speakers
Fatima Al-Shamsi
Space Policies Specialist at the UAE Space Agency
Person Past Speakers
Prof. Bernard Foing
Senior scientist, European Space Agency (ESA) Director, ILEWG EuroMoonMars, Netherlands
Person Past Speakers
Prof. Steffen Hertog
Associate professor in Comparative Politics at the London School of Economics
Person Past Speakers
Ahmed Alturbak
Lead Economist, Government Entity, Abu Dhabi
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Wen Wang
The Executive Dean of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies
Person Past Speakers
Federico Bonaglia
Deputy Director of the OECD Development Center
Person Past Speakers
Richard Woodward
Non-Resident Fellow, International Economics
Person Past Speakers
H.E Rashed Mohamed Al Hemeiri
Director of Foreign Assistance Affairs Department | The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MOFAIC)
Person Past Speakers
Mridutpal Bhattacharyya
Deputy Chief Innovation, Officer Indian Society of AI & Law.
Person Past Speakers
Nikolay Surkov
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Hussein Ibish
Senior Resident Scholar, The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington - USA
Person Past Speakers
Shaikh Dr. Majid Al Qassimi
Partner & Founder | Soma Mater | United Arab Emirates
Person Past Speakers
Naoufer Ramoul
TV Anchor | Dubai Media Incorporated | United Arab Emirates
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Cecilia Tortajada
Professor in Practice - Environmental Innovation
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Asit k. Biswas
Academician & Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Glasgow
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Hosni Ghedira
Director of Research Engagement, Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI), UAE
Person Past Speakers
Jana El Kova
Specialist on Innovation & Ecosystem Strategy, UAE
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Shehab Al Ameri
Water Asset Division Manager | TRANSCO | UAE
Person Past Speakers
Omar Saif
Smart, Sustainable & Resilient Cities Advisor | WSP | UAE
Person Past Speakers
Faisal Ali Rashid
Senior Director, Demand Side Management | Supreme Council of Energy | UAE
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Farah Hegazi
Researcher, Climate Change & Risk Programme | Stockholm International, Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) | Sweden
Person Past Speakers
Hasmik Barseghyan
President at the European Youth Parliament for Water (EYPW)
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Ashok Swain
UNESCO Chair on International Water Cooperation
Person Past Speakers
Dr.-Ing Hassan Aboelnga
Vice-Chair | Middle East Water Forum | Germany
Person Past Speakers
Prof. Gulfaraz Khan
Professor of Viral Pathology and Chair Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology - United Arab Emirates University (UAEU)
Person Past Speakers
Prof. Maurizio Barbeschi
Adviser to the Executive Director, World Health Emergencies Programme (WHE), The World Health Organization (WHO) - Switzerland
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Jean Fares
Economist, and Senior Advisor to the UAE government
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Robert B. Koopman
Chief Economist and Director, Economic Research and Statistics Division, World Trade Organization - Switzerland
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Jeronim Capaldo
Economic Affairs Officer, Division on Globalization and Development Strategies, UNCTAD - Switzerland
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Jill Horowitz
Executive Director of Strategic Operations , Laboratory of Molecular Immunology - Rockefeller University, USA
Person Past Speakers
David Zigdon
CEO, MigVax , MIGAL Galilee Research Institute - Israel
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Melita Vujnovic
Head, WHO Office, the Russian Federation
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Nawal Al Kaabi
 Chief Medical Officer , Chair of the SEHA infection Control Committee - Sheikh Khalifa Medical City - UAE
Person Past Speakers
Andrew Elnatan
Senior Director Regulatory Affairs, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative - United States of America
Person Past Speakers
Jeffrey Hiday
Director Office of Media Relations, RAND Corporation - USA
Person Past Speakers
Michael Holtzman
President, SEC Newgate - USA
Person Past Speakers
Pete Clifton
Editor in Chief, Press Association - UK
Person Past Speakers
Michal Divon
News Anchor and Reporter - USA
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Marc Gopin
Director of the Center for World Religions, Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution , George Mason University - USA
Person Past Speakers
Ambassador William Rugh
Visiting Professor of Public Diplomacy at Tufts University’s Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy - USA
Person Past Speakers
Ambassador Ahmed Al Hosani
Ambassador - UAE
Person Past Speakers
Neta Livne
Editor-in-chief Yedioth Ahronoth - Israel
Person Past Speakers
Ghaith Al-Omari
Senior fellow, The Washington Institute Former Executive Director, American Task Force on Palestine - USA
Person Past Speakers
كوري جيل-شاستر
باحث متخصص في دراسة الصراعات- إسرائيل
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Geoffrey Kemp
Senior Director of Regional Security Programs Center for the National Interest - USA
Person Past Speakers
Ahdeya Ahmed
Chairman of the Board of Directors Bahraini Journalists Association - Bahrain
Person Past Speakers
Dr. phil. Iyad Al-Dajani
Fellow Researcher at the Jena Center for reconciliation studies, International Coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa - Germany
Person Past Speakers
Mr. Hamad Al-Kaabi
Editor-in-Chief at Alittihad Newspaper - UAE
Person Past Speakers
Tal Heinrich
Israeli journalist and news anchor based in New York, USA
Person Past Speakers
Muhammad AlAraby
Senior researcher specialized in global affairs and security - The Cairo School for Liberal Sciences and Arts- Egypt.
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Alexandre del Valle
Commentator, columnist, researcher, consultant, and university professor
Person Past Speakers
Chris Hamill-Stewart
Journalist at Arab News London Bureau
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Amr Mahmoud ElShobaki
expert at Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies
Person Past Speakers
Jassim Mohamed
Head of the European Center for Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence Studies – Germany and the Netherlands
Person Past Speakers
Akil Yunus
Research Manager, IMAN Research - Malaysia
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Hani Nasira
Writer and Political Expert, The Arab Institute for Studies - Egypt
Person Past Speakers
Yotam Feldner
Director, MEMRI-TV - Israel
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Nicholas Ryder
Professor of Financial Crime University of the West of England - UK
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Najat Al-Saied
Independent Researcher in Political Communication and Development , KSA-USA
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Jonathan Matusitz
Consultant, Associate Professor, Nicholson School of Communication, University of Central Florida - USA
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Noha Mellor
Academic , UK
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Malek Ben Salem
Principal Advisor, Digital Transformation and Emerging Technologies at TheDigitaLeap - USA
Person Past Speakers
Senior Vice President at EverteamGS-Intalio
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Rand Waltzman 
Deputy Chief Technology Officer at RAND Cooperation
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Karthik Nandakumar
Associate Professor in the Computer Vision department at Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence
Person Past Speakers
Prof. Ernesto Damiani
Senior Director at Robotics and Intelligent Systems Institute, Khalifa University
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Patrick D. Bangert
Vice President of AI at Samsung SDS
Person Past Speakers
Nader Kabbara
Management Consultant for Artificial Intelligence at AI Directions - UAE
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Jonathan Schanzer
Senior Vice President, Foundation for Defense of Democracies - Unites States of America
Person Past Speakers
Jason Campbell
Project Researcher, RAND Corporation - United States of America
Person Past Speakers
نور داهري
المدير التنفيذي - مركز الثيولوجيا الإسلامية لمكافحة الإرهاب، المملكة المتحدة
Person Past Speakers
Noor Dahri
Executive Director at ITCT, UK
Person Past Speakers
د. جيوفاني جياكالوني
محلل لدى مركز الثيولوجيا الإسلامية لمكافحة الإرهاب – مكتب أوروبا
Person Past Speakers
إيرينا تسوكرمان
نائبة رئيس – تيمبرولف فينيكس/ريببليك أندرغراوند، مستشارة لدى منظمة العدل الدولية - لندن
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Tewfik Aclimandos
Director of the European Studies Unit at the Egyptian Center for Strategic Studies
Person Past Speakers
Matthew RJ Brodsky
Senior Fellow at the Gold Institute for International Strategy - USA
Person Past Speakers
Brig Barker
President/CEO of Red Rock Global Security Group - USA
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Giovanni Giacalone
Analyst, Europe desk, ITCT
Person Past Speakers
Irina Tsukerman
Vice President of Timberwolf Phoenix/Republic Underground, and an adviser to London-based International Justice Organization
Person Past Speakers
Bader Alabdulqader
Senior Economist- Sharqia Development Authority , Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Simeon Djankov
Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics - USA
Ex-deputy prime minister and minister of finance of Bulgaria
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Dan Mitchell
Chairman, The Center of Freedom and Prosperity - USA
Person Past Speakers
Mr. Hector Pollitt
Director, Head of Modelling Cambridge Econometrics - UK
Person Past Speakers
H.E. Mohamed Mahmoud Al-Khaja
UAE Ambassador to the State of Israel
Person Past Speakers
Porter Anderson 
Editor-in-Chief of Publishing Perspectives m Frankfurter- Germnay
Person Past Speakers
Yushu Liu
Director of Macro Research Department, Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China (RDCY). He is an expert on Artificial Intelligence and China's Digital Economy.
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Saurabh Bandyopadhyay
Fellow at NCAER, New Delhi
Person Past Speakers
Andrea Muratore
Geopolitical Analyst, Osservatorio Globalizzazione
Person Past Speakers
Anthony Bartzokas
Senior Visiting Fellow, London School of Economics
Person Past Speakers
Abdulelah Darandary
Economist and senior researcher analyst at the King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC).
Person Past Speakers
Adrienna Zsakay
Person Past Speakers
Marcus Vilaça
Satellite Industry Expert
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Bleddyn Bowen
Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Leicester
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Yarjan Abdul Samad
Senior Research Associate and Senior Teaching Fellow
Person Past Speakers
Jean-Jacques Tortora
Director of the European Space Policy Institute
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Henry R. Hertzfeld
Co-Director of the Space Policy Institute and Research, Professor of Space Policy and International Affairs at the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University
Person Past Speakers
William (Bill) Kemp
Co-Founder / CEO United Space Structures (USS)
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Sanjay Nadkarni
Innovation & Research , United Arab Emirates
Person Past Speakers
Hideki  Yamamoto
CEO of AMS.LLC - Japan
Person Past Speakers
لينا فريدورفر-كباشي
كرسي التعليم المهني، معهد العلوم التربوية – جامعة زيورخ - سويسرا
Person Past Speakers
Lena Freidorfer-Kabashi
Chair for Vocational Education Institute for Educational Science at the University of Zurich - Switzerland
Person Past Speakers
Prof. Dr. Morten Huse
Professor Emeritus in Organisation and Management BI Norwegian Business School Oslo, Norway
Person Past Speakers
Tetiana Miskova
Director of the State Institution of
Person Past Speakers
Prof. Aigul Zeinoldanova
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Academy of Public Administration - Khazahstan
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Zora A. Sukabdi
Senior Lecturer at University of Indonesia
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Paul Rivlin
Senior Research Fellow at Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies - Israel
Person Past Speakers
Prof. Graeme Leach
CEO & Chief Economist Macronomics Consulting, United Kingdom
Person Past Speakers
Dean Baker
Senior Economist, Center for Economic & Policy Research - United States
Person Past Speakers
Marc Ostwald
Chief Economist & Global Strategist, ADM Investor Services International, United Kingdom
Person Past Speakers
Dr. John Hardy
Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies, Rabdan Academy
Person Past Speakers
Deya' Leonard Dresner
Founder & Executive Director, Leonard Education Organization, USA
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Fatima Alsebaie
Research Fellow, Bahrain Center for Strategic, International and Energy Studies (DERASAT) , Bahrain
Person Past Speakers
Deborah Edirisinghe
Founding Director, Child Action Lanka - Sri Lanka
Person Past Speakers
Velina Tchakarova
Velina Tchakarova, Director, The Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES), Austria
Person Past Speakers
Khadija BENDAM
Head of Nuclear & Radiological Safety and Security Audits CNESTEN, Morocco
Person Past Speakers
Federica Leonetti
International Business Advisor, The Enterprise Europe Network, Italy
Person Past Speakers
Nada Alwadi
PhD Candidate in International Affairs, focusing on Digital Governance in GCC, Bahrain
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Anna Pobol
Director for Cooperation with EU and EaP countries, The Scientific and Technological Association, Belarus
Person Past Speakers
Tatiana Antonelli Abella
Founder and Managing Director, Goumbook, United Arab Emirates
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Elai Rettig
Senior Researcher, the Maritime Policy & Strategy Research Center, University of Haifa, Israel
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Valentina Dedi
Lead Economist at KBR, United Kingdom
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Kobayashi Amane
Senior Researcher, The Institute of Energy Economics (IEEJ), Japan
Person Past Speakers
Jeremy M. Martin
Vice President, Energy & Sustainability, Institute of the Americas, United States of America
Person Past Speakers
روز آرمور
رئيس قسم الاستدامة، الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة – الإمارات
Person Past Speakers
Rose Armour
Head of AUS Sustainability American University of Sharjah, UAE
Person Past Speakers
Dhesigen Naidoo
Chief Executive Officer, Water Research Commission (WRC), South Africa
Person Past Speakers
روبرت بريرز
مؤسس، مؤسسة مياهنا في المستقبل – نيوزيلندا
Person Past Speakers
Robert Brears
Founder, Our Future Water, New Zealand
Person Past Speakers
Oluwabunmi Ajilore
Lead Advisor, Pharos Advisors Senior Fellow, Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD) West Africa, Nigeria
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Nimrod Goren
The Founder and Head of Mitvim, the Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Nimrod Goren
The Founder and Head of Mitvim, the Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies
Person Past Speakers
Prof. Uzi Rabi
The Director of the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies
Person Past Speakers
Jacob Kurtzer
Director of Humanitarian Agenda Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) - United States
Person Past Speakers
Mukesh Kapila
Professor Emeritus, Global Health & Humanitarian Affairs University of Manchester - United Kingdom
Person Past Speakers
Muhammad Al-Mulla
Media Advisor to the Kuwait Journalists Union, Kuwait
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Mohammed Al-Asoomi
Economic Consultant and Expert, UAE
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Abdullah Al-Ghathami
Professor of Criticism and Theory at King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Person Past Speakers
Sama Sultan Al-Shawi
Legal Advisor, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Dubai, UAE
Person Past Speakers
David Heymann
A medical epidemiologist and Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology in London
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Badriya Al-Harami
Person Past Speakers
Dr. Mouhanad Khorchide
Head of the Center for Islamic Theology The University of Münster, Germany
Person Past Speakers
Samah Sayed Ali
Researcher in political affairs

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