Teresa Coratella

Programme Manager at the European Council on Foreign Relations
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Teresa Coratella is the programme manager at the European Council on Foreign Relations’ Rome office where her main focus of analysis is Italian foreign policy trends and Italy’s role in Europe, Europe and foreign policy, multilateralism, Polish foreign policy and Visegrad countries. She regularly contributes to the View from Rome series and to Italian and foreign media as Skytg24, Il Foglio, Il Domani, Foreign New Statesman, Deutche Welle, Euronews, Vice news, Voice of America, Valdai Club, EU Observer, Europa Atlantica, Europea, Euractiv Italia, Aspenia online. Her latest contributions to ECFR include “Rome’s moment: Draghi, multilateralism, and Italy’s new strategy” (May 2021); “How to govern a fragmented EU: What Europeans said at the ballot box”, published after the 2019 European Parliament election; and “Together in trauma: Europeans and the world after covid-19”, published in June 2020. A dual Italian and Polish citizen, she joined ECFR in 2011 and holds an MA in European interdisciplinary studies from the College of Europe, with a focus on the EU as a regional actor and a final dissertation of Poland participation in CSDP missions. Teresa is an alumna of the New Security Leaders program organized by the Casimir Pulaski Foundation and the German Marshall Fund of the United States; of SIOI – The Italian Society for International Organization and Roma Tre University, faculty of Political Sciences. She is a member and mentor of WIIS (Women in International Security) and Europa Atlantica.

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