Dr. Sodfa Mohamed Mahmoud

Researcher specializing in Latin American and Caribbean Affairs
Dr. Sodfa received an MA and PhD in political science from the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University. She worked as an executive manager at the General Directorate of Strategic Issues at the Egyptian Cabinet Information and Decision Support Center, and as the head of policy section, as well as expert and senior researcher at the same center. Her research interests include the role of emerging (middle) powers in International Relations during the post-cold war era; the relationship between major and emerging powers in the world politics; South-South cooperation; political economy and development issues in developing countries; and the role of regional organizations in democratic transition and peacekeeping, among other things. Dr. Sodfa has published a number of research papers, reports and books. In 2015, she published two books entitled “The Role of Middle Powers in the World Order in the Post-Cold War Era: Brazil as a Case Study 2002-2010” (Gulf Center for Studies), and “Management of Diversity and Difference: The Experience of South Africa in Peaceful Coexistence after the Apartheid Era” (Nama Center for Research and Studies) (in Arabic). In 2014, the Nama Center for Research and Studies published her book “Development Experience of Brazil: A Study on the Dimensions of the Development Model and its Implications”.

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