
Trends and Bahrain Institute for Political Development organize the «Education and Identity in the Digital Age» Conference on March 6, 2024

Trends Research and Advisory, in partnership with the Bahrain Institute for Political Development, is organizing the second edition of the “Trends International Education Conference.” The conference main theme is entitled: “Education and Identity in the Digital Age: Proposed Strategies for Preserving Identity and Shaping Youth Behaviors.” The conference will convene on March 6, 2024, at 10:00 AM in Trends Conference Hall, at Trends headquarters in Abu Dhabi.

The conference participants include His Excellency Dr. Mohammed bin Mubarak Juma, Minister of Education, Kingdom of Bahrain, His Excellency Dr. Sultan Al Neyadi - Minister of State for Youth Affairs, His Excellency Dr. Ali bin Mohammed Al Rumaihi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Bahrain Institute for Political Development, His Excellency Professor Ahmed Zayed - Director of the Library of Alexandria, Her Excellency Dr. Sheikha May bint Sulaiman Al Otaibi, Deputy Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the Bahrain Institute for Political Development, and Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Bahrain Bayan School, and His Excellency Dr. Mohammed Hamad Al Kuwaiti – Head of the Cybersecurity Council of the UAE Government.

The participants’ list includes Dr. Yousef Mohammed Ismail - media professional and national identity trainer in the Kingdom of Bahrain, Dr. Noura Al-Karbi, Head of the Research Outreach Department at the University of Sharjah, Dr. Somaya Abdel Latif - Head of the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Center - Ajman University, Dr. Lulwa Budlama, media professional and Strategic Advisor, as well as a number of speakers specialized in the educational field and artificial intelligence

“Trends” and “Bahrain Institute for Political Development” revealed the details of the conference sessions and the participants during a special media briefing. The conference will be opened by Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of Trends Research and Advisory, and Her Excellency Ms. Eman Faisal Janahi, Executive Director of the Bahrain Institute for Political Development, who will deliver the welcoming remarks. Then, two main sessions will convene. The first will address the theme of “Education and Identity in a Changing World... Challenges and Risks,” while the second session will discuss the issue of “Education and Identity in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and the Digital Revolution.”


Developing educational policies

Dr. Muhammad Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of the Trends Research and advisory, said that education plays a pivotal role in shaping the identity of individuals and societies. Educational institutions are a key factor in influencing young people’s behavior and enhancing cultural and social identity.

Dr. Al-Ali added that, “Trends” and the Bahrain Institute for Political Development’s believe in the pivotal role of education and its institutions in shaping the identity and behaviors of young people. The second edition of the “Trends International Education Conference” explores possible ways to develop education policies, with the aim of achieving a balance between meeting society’s needs of the desired educated human competencies, who have specific skills, while preserving the cultural identity of societies.


Strengthening the social values system

The CEO of “Trends” said that the second edition of the “Trends International Education Conference”, which discusses the theme of “Education and Identity in the Digital Age... Proposed Strategies for Preserving Identity and Shaping Youth Behaviors,” is held in partnership with the Bahrain Institute for Political Development, As a strategic partner of “Trends.” He indicated that the two sides have organized the second edition of the conference, to strengthen the system of values and ethics in the various stages of education, especially early education. Moreover, the conference shall discuss the role of education in promoting the values and traditions of society and preserving national identity.

 Refining youth identity

Dr. Muhammad Al-Ali stressed that the second edition of the “Trends International Education Conference” will also review the impact of educational policies on building and refining identity among young people. The sessions will discuss, the challenges facing the implementation of education policies to enhance national identity. The participants shall exchange experiences and ideas about designing policies of innovative education to achieve the goals of preserving identity and reinforcing positive behaviors. Furthermore, the discussion shall enhance interaction and exchange between researchers, educational institutions and decision-makers to develop effective educational strategies.


Preserving the unifying identity of individuals and communities

Her Excellency Ms. Iman Faisal Janahi, Executive Director of the Bahrain Institute for Political Development, stressed the importance of preserving the unifying national identity of individuals and societies.  This is one of the most important challenges that societies face today, especially with the rapid technological changes that the world is witnessing. It has negative impacts on some national concepts and constants that have been developed over many years.

 The first event of mutual cooperation

The Executive Director expressed the Bahrain Institute for Political Development’s pride in the distinguished partnership with Trends Research and Advisory in the United Arab Emirates, which is considered one of the distinguished research centers. Trends has produced various studies and research, through a distinguished group of experts and workers, who clearly contribute to developing society and preserving national and cultural identity.

Janahi added that the conference is the first joint cooperation between the Institute and Trends, after the signing of the cooperation agreement between the two sides last September. The agreement aims to consolidate relations between the two sides in the fields of scientific research, and promote joint organization of international and regional conferences and seminars. The agreement covers the exchange of experts and experiences in the field of training and sustainable development, leading to capacity building and raising the level of experts and researchers from both parties.


Enhancing the values of national loyalty and sense of belonging

The Executive Director of the Bahrain Institute for Political Development concluded by noting that the conference looks forward for a set of recommendations to highlight the importance of education in preserving national identity and social values, and steering policies and actions in line with the culture of society and national laws and legislation that preserve the values of democracy and participation. These recommendations have a potential impact that preserves our future generations and contribute to strengthening their values of national loyalty and sense of belonging.


National experiences and best international practices

Fahd Al-Mahri, Head of the “Trends - Dubai” sector, said that the second edition of the “Trends International Education Conference” includes two main sessions, as the first session will discuss the topic “Education and Identity in a Changing World... Challenges and Risks,” through three themes. They include “educational mechanisms and tools to enhance national identity and foreign education... optimizing the positive aspects and minimizing the negative impacts with respect to national identity. This part discusses prominent national and international experiences in enhancing the role of education in consolidating national identity.”

Al-Mahri stated that the second session of the conference will address the issue of “education and identity in the era of artificial intelligence and the digital revolution.” Here, the speakers will analyze the issue from four areas: “the effects of the digital revolution and artificial intelligence on national identity, and education and ways to benefit from artificial intelligence technologies in supporting national identity.” The discussion will address the future of education and national identity: opportunities and challenges, and the strategy of applied research in shaping the future of education: national priorities and government response”.

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